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Lord Tengen looked at the sight of your sister hugging you and smiled. He was truly happy you'd found your family, but a part of him feared that you'd leave him now. After all there was no proper arrangements made to claim you were indeed married to him.

Even though he bought you, he didn't believe he owned you like some cheap property, not anymore. You were a person that had really grown on him. He didn't want to lose you, but he didn't want to hurt you either.


Lord Tengen and Rin let you spend time with your siblings in their room alone.

Tsuki hadn't let go of you, she was like a baby afraid to get separated.

Aoki who was 3 years older than, Tsuki spoke. "O nechan, that big man that came with you. Who is he?" Aoki asked all so seriously.

"You mean Tengen?" You asked and continued "He's my husband."

"What?" Aoki got up shocked "You've been gone one year and you're already married. Don't you think you're too young?!"

She chuckled, Aoki was always like this with you. He didn't trust any man and practically believed they were all snakes, he was partially the reason you never had a boyfriend growing up, the main reason being you weren't interested.

"Aoki I'm 19, I'm more than old enough to have a husband." You defended waiting for his reaction.

Aoki's left eye twitched and you noticed, he was mad. "O nechan, you have to leave that man."

"Why? I love him." You said just to make Aoki mad.

Aoki looked taken aback by that statement, "But.. But he doesn't love you, I'm sure of that! He only married you because you're pretty."

You laughed rubbing Tsuki's head, "Even if I do leave him Aoki, who's gonna marry a woman like me again?" You asked acting all dramatic.

Aoki looked irked, "O nechan, are you really asking such a stupid question. Anyone would be happy to marry you, it just has to be the right one. And that man isn't the right one."

"Aoki watch your tone." You warned Aoki. Sure you were just joking around, but that didn't give Aoki the need to be rude.

Aoki looked at the ground angrily then looked up again. You were just now coming to a realization that Aoki had anger issues.

"Tsuki! Aren't you gonna say anything?" Aoki asked running out of ideas and reasons to convince you to leave Tengen.

Tsuki looked at Aoki and said, "As long as she's happy, I'm happy."

Hearing that, Aoki got mad and stormed off.

If he was this angry, what would he do if you told him that Tengen had three wives. He'd lose it.

You looked at Tsuki and smiled at her.

Later that night when Aoki and Tsuki were finally asleep, You went around looking for Tengen.

You opened a room's door and was surprised to see it was a library. Your aunt was inside reading a book.

You went in and approached her. "Okaasan." You smiled and she did too.

"You don't have to call me that if you don't want too."

"No I want to." You smiled sitting down on an availably convenient chair, there was table with a saucer, teacup and teapot in front of you.

You poured some green tea into the cup and began to drink.

"Your husband is a good person you know," Rin said and you nodded, she continued "Too bad you haven't done anything though."

You immediately chocked and coughed violently.

Aunt Rin laughed, she knew it.

She went to the shelves searching for a book, "Y/n-Chan you're cute but you need to up your game if you want to secure your husband."

"Okaasa--" You were about to whine but she cut you off by slamming a big thick book on the table. "What's this?" You looked at it.

The title was 'Lady's guide' When translated to English.

"It's a guide book." Rin said simply.

"For what?" You asked innocently.

"For seducing men obviously."

You were shocked and in that shock and embarrassment, you flung the book across the room. How could your aunt give you such a thing.

Your aunt chuckled, "You're still a child I see," Rin went over and picked up the book handing it back to you "Read this book cover to cover and you'll get fast results."

Your entire face went red as you looked at the book, 'Super embarrassing. Kill me.' You thought looking up to the ceiling.


"Okaasan?" You said still reading the book on your chair.


"Do you have any idea where Lord Tengen is?"

Before Rin could answer, Lord Tengen walked in.

You immediately threw the book the side, and your face went red with embarrassment.

Tengen looked at the book that had been flung to the side of the room then back at you in confusion.

He turned to Rin, "Okaasan do you mind if I borrow her for a while?" Tengen asked and Rin nodded immediately.

"Of course," She smiled hitting you on the back to get up and you immediately did. "You two may go wherever you like to talk."

She pushed you outside the room with Tengen and locked the door.

"Are you alright?" Tengen asked.

You nodded a knot in your stomach forming, why were you suddenly feeling nervous. You were always nervous around him, but not like this.

"Okay, let's go then." Tengen held you hand suddenly.

His sudden touch made your skin tingle as he led you.

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