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Your eyes flickered open. This had seem to become a routine for you, when dreams got bad or you were reaching the answer you always woke up midway.

This time it was different, three little girls with dot like eyes were staring at you.

You jolted sitting up, "W.. Were you watching me sleep?" You asked mildly concerned for your safety.
These girls, they looked like creepy little dolls.

All three girls shook their heads, "We would never watch you sleep," One of the girls asked "Miss Shinobu asked us to check on you and we found out you had a running fever."

Another thing you'd gotten used to, anytime you woke up from these dreams you were either dead cold or had a burning fever.

"I'm fine," You said getting up "I can leave now."

"Wait!" One of the girls suddenly held the end of your uniform, the very embarrassing one "Lord Tengen, he had to go somewhere. You can't leave without him."

It was then you remembered him, Lord Tengen. Now that you had regained your memory you didn't feel like the same old Y/n who was weak and needy.

You felt way stronger, more confident now that you knew who you were and where you came from.

"Right," You pointed to one of them "You give me a kimono to wear, any will do as long as it covers me up."

The girl looked confused but just nodded.


Lord Tengen walked into your room, you were facing the window holding a cup of green tea in your hands. You had not noticed his presence.

You tapped your finger nails on the cup waiting for his arrival.


You turned looking at Tengen, suddenly you felt really nervous and your heart began to palpitate.

"Lord Tengen."


You found yourself sitting opposite him in a table outside the mansion.

Was it a good idea to tell him about your regained memory? Hold on he never knew you lost it in the first place.


You looked up at him making a 'hm' to go on.

"Who are you?" Lord Tengen asked abruptly.

You looked at him confused before saying, "Y/n of course."

"I mean!-- I mean who were you?" Lord Tengen asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Y/n-Chan, you've been acting very strangely since you woke up," Lord Tengen looked at your fingers that were still tapping the cup, you hadn't even flinched at his sudden outburst earlier. He knew something was up, "I'll ask you again, who are you? Who were you before you were brought into slavery?"

There was a moment of silence, you looked at him. Could you trust him to tell him the truth? What if he wouldn't let you look for your sister? What if... The what ifs were endless.

"At first I didn't know either I had lost my memory and woke up as a slave," You looked straight into his eyes "I only regained my memory today."

Lord Tengen looked at you shocked, 'Was this why she had never requested to see her family or go home? It was all because she couldn't remember.'

You put your cup on the table then held your face with your left hand. "My family were killed by the demons and the last thing I remember is that my sister was the lone survivor."

"So you want to find your sister?" Lord Tengen asked looking serious.

"Yes," You replied "But unfortunately for me I remember everything apart from the name of my village."

Lord Tengen processed everything you had just told him, "I have one more question?" Lord Tengen asked.

"What is it?" You asked feeling nervous, you had been acting all too confident forgetting who you were talking to.

"What happened to your uniform?"

Your face went red in embarrassment and the anger you felt wearing that uniform came back to you, getting up you slapped Lord Tengen on the face.

"You fool didn't you hear the part about my family dying, why did you bring up that dumb uniform?!" Your face was red and hot from embarrassment, your hand hurt tremendously and you had to hold it to comfort yourself.

Lord Tengen got up holding your hurting hands, they were red and hurting.

"Lets get you inside and get some ointments on your hand."

Your face went tomato red, you had slapped him and he gave you such a caring reaction.

"Lord Tengen?" You looked at him teary eyed, "You're, you're a big bully!"

You pulled your hands away running away in embarrassment.

Lord Tengen watched you run away looking confused, a small smile formed on his lips. He had let you hit him on purpose, what a wife he had. If he didn't care for you he wouldn't have taken that slap so lightly.

Even though you had regained your memory, Lord Tengen still saw you as the same person, he still cared for you neither the less. He may not have realised it yet, but he loved you, it was true love.

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