I'm... Shy

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You laid on the bed in Hinatsuru's room as, Suma rubbed your head and comforted you.

Hinatsuru sat on the floor next to the bed.

Lord Tengen had gone out on a mission tonight, so you heard from Makio.

How could he just leave you in a time like this? You thought. 'What were you saying, you weren't his real wife, you were just a poor girl he felt sorry for.'

Your eyes welled up in angry tears, Well you didn't need his pity, you were fine on your own.

You shut your eyes trying to sleep, 'I hate him.' you kept repeating in your head as you slowly fell asleep.

As soon as you drifted, you found yourself falling in a dark void suddenly fell into a pile of snow.

'What's this?' You thought looking at your side, there was nothing there.

You got up and was suddenly hit with a sharp pain in your heart, you fell on your knees holding your chest.

The pain suddenly seized, you got up and taking your first step you fell again this time waking up in a jolt.

It was just a dream, you sighed in relief but it felt more like a memory to you.

You had no recollection of your life, your age or your real name.

You just remembered waking up in that prison and them giving you an identity.

That's why you could never run away, you never tried to 'cos you had no one, no one to fall back to.

You stared at your shaky hands before getting up.

You slowly opened your room's door, standing in front of you was Tengen.

"L..Lord Tengen." You said in a whisper.

Wasn't he supposed to be in a mission, what did Hinatsuru call him again? Oh right, demon slayer.

Before you could react, Tengen pulled you into an abrupt hug.

It caught you off guard, your eyes widened as uncalled for tears ran down your eyes.

You didn't know why but his hug felt so familiar, like that of someone you had known before but couldn't remember.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to stay with you last night," Lord Tengen apologized still hugging you "I look forward to a life where I can just take care of my family, but that can't happen as long as demons still lurk around. That's why I have to slay them, to help people live the lives I want."

'Care for his family,' You thought 'Did he really consider you family?'

You gripped tightly to the back of his uniform with mixed emotions.


You looked at the uniform, Makio had handed you in horror.

Why, why was it so- revealing? You thought.

"Is there something wrong with the uniform?" Makio asked.

"It's a little too," You scratched the back of your neck "revealing."

"But Hinatsuru, Suma and I wear this everyday." Makio said.

"And it's great, but-" You played with your fingers "I'm... Shy."

Makio looked at you dumbfounded then said, "Lord Tengen won't train you, if you don't dress like a ninja."

You looked at her teary eyed.

You never thought, Tengen would go on and decide to train you.

It's the only way he won't worry about you, so he said.


You put on the uniform feeling embarrassed, your entire face going red just looking down and seeing your exposed breasts.

You nearly cried, you didn't want anyone to see you like this, let alone a man.


You walked with your head down as you followed Makio to meet Tengen.

When Makio opened the door you to Lord Tengen's room, you were met with a dumbstruck look from Lord Tengen.

Why was he looking at you like that? You thought.

He was making you feel very self conscious.

You could feel your face go red and get hotter, you quickly lowered your head hiding your embarrassment.

"Y/n." Lord Tengen called.

You looked up at him slowly.

"You look beautiful."

Author's note: don't know where I was going with this, I needed to update this, but I was a little caught up with school, especially because of biology, anyway I think I'm fine now.

Happy birthday to me, omg. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I 101% fangirled when writing this chapter. Not my best beginning but I loved the ending of the chapter.

Thanks for the views and see you in the next chapter. 😘

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