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Your eyes flickered open, 'What? Who was--'

A girl with black tinted purple hair tips looked down on you holding a needle.

She held her face smiling, "You woke up sooner than I expected."

You sat up quickly nearly bumping heads with her, luckily her instincts allowed her dodge.

"Where am I?" You got up "Who are you?"

"You're in the butterfly mansion darling," She smiled "I'm Kocho Shinobu, I provided the antidote for the poison in your body."

'Poison?' You looked at your arms and nearly screamed.

Your veins, they were bulging and had a dark purple colour.

"Don't worry about that, Y/n-Chan it should wear off soon," Shinobu reassured you "I just need to inject you one last time."

"Okay." You replied hesitantly sitting on the bed.


You had never screamed so loudly in your entire life.

Lord Tengen ran in with a panicked expression on his face.

You held your wrists which Shinobu had injected, the area felt like it was burning.

You looked at your arms which where slowly going back to normal in shock.

You had not noticed Tengen's presence, you were too concentrated in the pain you felt in your wrist.

Lord Tengen grabbed you by the shoulder making you look at him.

"Y/n, are you alright?" He asked inspecting your wrists, the pain had now spread to your entire body but your brain chose to ignore it.

Tears welled up in your eyes, 'he's alive, he's really alive.'

Lord Tengen looked up at you and looked confused, "Y/n-Chan, are you sure you're alright?"

His touch on your arm felt real, he was real. He was still alive, he hadn't died.

You suddenly burst into tears and hugged him.

It was so sudden, he fell to the floor. You didn't let go.


"Thank goodness," You cried "Thank goodness you're still alive."

"Y/n--" Tengen stopped short feeling the grip of your arms loosen.

You had gone unconscious again.

Lord Tengen carried you bridal style needing no explanation. Shinobu had definitely added a medicine that induces sleep in her injection.

"Tengen?" Shinobu finally spoke.

"What is it Shinobu?" Lord Tengen asked laying you on the bed.

"That girl," Shinobu started "She isn't of normal blood."

Tengen faced Shinobu looking serious, "What do you mean by that?"

Shinobu smiled tauntingly, "You told me she spent up to 15 minutes in poisonous water."

"Your point is?" Tengen asked feeling irked.

"After analysing the poison in her system, a normal human being would have only lasted five minutes," Shinobu replied "Not only that, but it took you two hours to get to the butterfly mansion and yet she maintained a steady heartbeat and pulse."

Seeing the confused look on Tengen's face, Shinobu could not help but grin wider.

"You clearly don't know anything about your wife or who she is," Shinobu stated "I suggest you find out when she wakes up."

Tengen clenched his fists, "Are you done?"

"Yes." Shinobu replied.

"Then you can leave now." Tengen said, his tone a bit harsh and angry.

He sat down on a chair next to your bed and observed you.

'Shinobu- She has no idea what she's talking about, she's just yapping spilling nonsense.' Tengen thought as Shinobu left.

Lord Tengen grabbed your right hand giving it a gentle squeeze, he hoped you woke up soon.


Here you go again, but why.. Why was this dream so foggy.

Wait! This wasn't a dream but a memory.

It seemed that to you were walking up a mountain at night, wait yes.. You remembered your house was on top of a mountain.

Walking beside you was the same little girl, but you could see her face all so clearly.

She had pale skin, short brown hair and her eyes were blue.

She was your younger sister, she was six years old then. You walked home together, your sister Tsuki; which meant moon kicked snow that had covered the soil playfully.

"O nechan, when we get home I want to eat some dango."

You smiled at her nodding.

When you got to the top where your house was, something didn't feel right.

"Tsuki wait here okay?" You told her.

She nodded letting go of your hands which she was previously holding.

You went towards the entrance of your house, Tsuki was a safe distance away. That was good.

Suddenly your nose was hit with the smell of blood.

You hurriedly opened the door, you looked at the scene in horror.

Your mother, your father, your little brother. They all laid lifeless on the floor, a strange looking creature fed on the arm of your father.

Tears welled up in your eyes and you screamed in agony.

Your mum, your dad, your brother were all dead. What was this creature? Right it was a demon.

The demon looked at you, dropping your father's arm and licking the blood off its lips.

You felt rage like you'd never felt before.

You grabbed the axe that was slinged across your back. You were going to kill this creature, you were going to make it pay.

You turned briefly to Tsuki and nodded, she already knew what to do.

She ran, she ran as fast as she could to get help.

You stared back at the demon, pure hatred in your e/c eyes. You were going to make this demon pay.. And you did.

You don't know how you did it, you didn't know what possessed you, but you found yourself standing over the dead body of the demon.

The demon was slowly burning up, the sun had come up and the demon was dying.

You stomach had been slashed but not deep in enough to kill you, your hands were bruised and even dripping blood.

You remembered Tsuki, where was she. You went to search for her. She couldn't be.


You fell off a cliff falling and hitting your head on a rock.

Your eyes flickered open and close, Tsuki was standing over you shaking you.

"Don't worry o nechan, I'll go get help." She left running as fast she could.

That's where your memory stopped, 'I see, my old life was.. Pathetic. I'm pathetic, I should have gotten home sooner, I could have saved them, none of this would have happened if I got home earlier. I deserve to die. I wish my memories just remained lost. I wish I died instead of them.. But.. What happened to Tsuki?'

"Come find me." You remembered her words.

'Come find her, huh? I...'

Author's note: one extra long chapter for my lovely readers, I hope you like it. Love you all and please vote. It means very much to me 😘

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