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"Hello Aoki-kun."

"O nechan?"

"Are you still blaming yourself Aoki-kun?'' You asked him.

Aoki looked down not answering your question.

"Aoki-kun can I ask you a question?"

Aoki looked up at you and nodded.

You smiled, "If you died, went to heaven and met mum and dad what do you think they would say to you."

Aoki turned pallid from your question, "I--"

"Did you even bother to think that they wanted you to survive that attack. Did you even think about the relief their souls must have felt when you survived."

Aoki couldn't speak, he just looked at you with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry--"

"Why are you sorry Aoki-kun!" You yelled "Why do you believe everything is your fault."

Tears welled up in your eyes as you continued, "If I had gotten home sooner, that massacre would have never happened. Our family would still be alive and none of this pain you are feeling would have happened."

"But it wasn't your fault! You didn't know that this would happen!"

"And neither did you Aoki!" You yelled tears streaming down your cheeks "Neither of us would have guessed that anything bad would happen that night. It's not your fault and it's not mine."

Tears ran down Aoki's cheeks, then suddenly yelled "But I'm useless!"


"I had a dream the day I jumped, you were running in that dream drenched in blood, you kept screaming for help. I tried to get to you but when.. but when I got there you disappeared. I couldn't even save you in a dream!"

"That was just a nightmare Aoki! Nothing like that happened or will happen! It was just a pure figment of your imagination," You held Aoki by his shoulders "Listen to me Aoki? You aren't useless, you're strong, a good person and a good brother. I don't want you to die before me okay! So don't, do you hear me?"

"I hear you."

"It's not enough!" You yelled "Promise me, swear on my life you won't try to kill yourself!"

"I promise you. I swear on your life, I won't try to die anymore."

You abruptly pull Aoki to your embrace, "Thank you Aoki-kun."

"Thank you for being my brother, Aoki."


You met back with Rin in the library.

"So? How did your discussion with Aoki go?"

You flipped through the pages of the book you were reading. "It was good Okaasan, I think we came to an agreement. He'll be fine, it might not be now but soon."


You wrote again that night in a letter to Tengen.

Dear Tengen-sama, I hope you are doing well, I was able to resolve things back here, I apologised for the mean things I said to Okaasan, right you didn't know about that, when you left me the first time I said a lot of hurtful things to her, I called her an outcast and said that she was not my mother. Thinking about that now, I feel like an idiot. I hope you're not disappointed in me. I'll be able to come home sooner than I expected too, I've reached a resolution to Aoki's problems, he'll be okay soon... I miss you Tengen-sama.
From Y/n.

You put then pen down before putting the letter in an envelope and taking it to be delivered in the post office.

As you walked back you felt relief, you hadn't been sure Tengen had received your letter last time but after your discussion with Rin earlier, you were sure he received them. You were sure he'd receive this one as well.

You couldn't wait to see him, you couldn't wait for the day when your lives would be peaceful.


A month later.

"Y/n-chan! There's a letter for you!" Aoki barged into your room Tsuki following him waving the letter.

You took the letter from him and gasped when you saw it was from Tengen.

You quickly opened the envelope.

"Who's it from, who's it from!" Tsuki asked happily.


"Read it, read it aloud!" Tsuki said excitedly.

Aoki turned to Tsuki with a surprised expression on his face, "You should never ask a married woman to read a letter aloud from her husband," Aoki said to her "There could be some sensitive stuff in there."

Ignoring the both of them you read to letter to yourself.

It said:

Y/n-chan, did I scare you by not replying earlier, I'm sorry If I did, I'm glad you miss me though. I miss you too, I'm back from my mission from the entertainment district, I'd love for you to come back home now if everything is settled.

You got up suddenly reading this but continued reading;

I'm glad you made up with your aunt, never be rude to her again, if everything isn't settled then stay as long as you want, I won't rush you. Just take your time and mend your family. I love you more than you know Y/n.
From Tengen.

Author's note: this is my favourite chapter, I love it so much and I can't believe this book is about to wrap up I'm so glad and so sad at the same time 😭

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