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Suma sat in the courtyard enjoying the fresh air, she felt lonely without you around. She wondered when you would return.

Its like God heard her prayers 'cos Tengen's voice could be heard from a distance, he was at the door.

Suma being Suma, ran to the door yelling for the others that Tengen-Sama had returned.

Suma opened the door only for her smile to immediately vanish. Tengen-Sama, was that really him? Suma had never seen him look depressed and where was Y/n-Chan?

"Tengen-Sama. " Makio came from behind, Hinatsuru accompanying her.

"Lord Tengen where's Y/n-Chan?" Suma asked.

Tengen looked at them blankly before walking inside, closing the door.

Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru followed him as he sat down on the couch.

Suma approached him again, "Tengen-Sama did something happen to Y/n-Chan during the mission?" Suma teared up a little thinking about your possible demise.

Tengen shook his head but didn't speak.

Before Suma could utter another word, Hinatsuru spoke "If that's the case she's safe then?" Hinatsuru asked, Tengen nodded. "Then.. Did she finally go back to her family?"

Tengen let out a sigh before shutting his eyes.

Hinatsuru got her answer and she was very satisfied, 'Finally things can back to the way they were, just the four off us. No one needs an odd number.'

"I see." Makio says simply, she's not happy but she can't do anything about it.

"No!" Suma whines "You couldn't just leave Y/n--"

"Suma watch your tone at Lord Tengen." Hinatsuru warns.

Suma looked at Lord Tengen but he didn't say anything, out of frustration Suma stormed off to her room.


Hearing Tsuki scream, you run out of your room. Your heart beating rapidly, seems the maids were just as worried it seemed.

The commotion seemed to be outside, when you got there.. Aoki.

He was on the floor, his eyes were wide open unmoving and there seemed to be a pool of reddish substance around his body soaking into his clothes.

Wait was that blood? It was blood.

You let out a shrill scream before running towards Aoki's body and holding his head upon your lap, he was bleeding so much.

How did this even happen?

You looked up, there was an open window, he had fell.

Just then Tsuki and Rin came running. Immediately Rin saw Aoki's condition she acted accordingly "Don't just stand there being useless and get the doctor!" She ordered the servants.

Aoki's fingers suddenly twitched and he blinked a few times, you let out a heavy relieved sigh. He was still alive thank God.

"Aoki stay with me okay?" You slapped his cheek lightly, he made eye contact with you but all you could see in those big green eyes was sadness.

"Y.. Y/n-Chan, I.. I'm so s..s.sorry." Aoki said shakily.

"Shh, don't speak. The doctor will be here soon," You told him "You'll be fine okay."


You wanted answers, why did Aoki jump out the window so suddenly causing you so much panic, why wasn't he waking up yet? It had been two days now.

You watched over Aoki worriedly as you played with his full hair. You felt guilty, you hadn't been with your family for a long while, and now that you're with them, something like this had to happen.

You held Aoki's hand and squeezed it, "Aoki-kun, wake up. I'm sorry for not being with you guys all this time," You beg him "Aoki-Kun, I won't leave if that's what you're worried about. Aoki-Kun?"

The sight of You was devastating to watch as you teared up and cried.


"Suma go back to normal already, Y/n-Chan isn't coming back home." Makio tells her.

Suma ignored her and stayed seated in front of the house's entrance. She hoped, she prayed that you would just walk in and she would hug you and bother you with her demon stories like she always did.

Suma let out a sigh, "Tengen-Sama went on another mission again," Suma sniffed "The house feels so empty and lonely."

"What are you even talking about? You have me and Hinatsuru." Makio asked getting annoyed.

"It's just not the same and you know it." Suma replied.

Makio sighed, "Accept reality quickly Suma, surely even a dunce like you knew that she wouldn't be with us forever," Makio said "I'm just glad she's with her family and safe, you would have probably died if she stayed with us and became a ninja."

Suma got up and looked at Makio, "That's just Hinatsuru's and your belief, Y/n-Chan would not have died if she stayed with us," Suma said feeling irked "We are her family and she will surely come back home."

Makio rolls her eyes, "Keep dreaming Suma." Makio walked away leaving Suma alone.

'I'm not dreaming, I know Y/n-chan will be back. Sooner or later' Suma thought.

Author's note: I don't know about you, but I love Suma so much, she seems so kind and loving. I can't wait for demon slayer s4. Sorry for updating so late btw.

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