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As days past Aoki started feeling much better at least physically, he could walk now and I was now sure he wouldn't try to kill himself anymore. But it seemed he no longer had the confidence to look you in the eye, Rin and Tsuki noticed this too.

Tsuki was fine too after three days, she didn't seem traumatised... Or maybe she was just hiding it, although she didn't seem like the kind of kid to conceal her aching feelings like Aoki did.

The rumours didn't stop in the city either, it just became worse. It had turned from Rin is a bad guardian to Rin is an abuser. The rumours didn't help Rin's business either, nearly everyone believed the rumours and those who didn't were too afraid to be associated with her.

"You should lay off your perfidious servants," You advised Rin "They'll just destroy you and everything you've worked for."

"Y/n you know that I can't do that," Rin cupped her hands covering her face with it, "It will lead to even worse rumours."

There was a moment of silence as you thought of what to do.

"Anyways let's overlook that, have you been able to contact Tengen?" Rin asked.

"I sent a letter two days back.. I don't know if it reached him though."

Rin nodded heading to her bookshelf, you were in the library after all.

Rin brought out a familiar looking book and handed it over to you.

You took it and looked at it.. it looked familiar but you couldn't remember quite right.

"Lady's guide." You stated the book's name.

"Do you remember it?" Rin asked.

"I thi..." Just then realisation hit you and flung the book across the library out the window "This book again!"

Rin laughed sitting on her seat, "Don't worry about it, I have two more volumes."

Your face went red, "Okaasan why must you always embarrass me!"

"Embarrass you? I thought you were reading it last time?" Rin stated acting all innocent.

"Yeah! But then Tengen-sama walked in and almost caught me reading that book," You whined "it's so embarrassing."

"Tengen almost caught you? I guess I forgot."

"NO YOU DIDN'T!" You yelled fake crying "I don't need that book to make Tengen love me."

Suddenly Rin leaned in closer, "Is that so?"

You blinked twice before jokingly pushing her away, "Ah! You're acting so creepy today!"

Rin laughed again and sat down "I guess you're right."

"Right about what exactly? There are many things I'm right about." You pouted.

Rin laughed again, "I mean about not needing that book," Rin replied fiddling with her fingers "Tengen really loves, there's a different side to him when he addresses you."

"Really? What is it?"

"His voice becomes softer as if he wants you to be comfortable, he often slows down on his words when around you as if calculating what to say to you. His eyes when he looks at you are so soft and finally... He seems like someone who was very arrogant, he still tends to act out like that unaware but he really tries to be good for you."

"A person who looks after your best interests, wants to see you happy and makes you feel comfortable. That's a person that loves you," Rin replied smiling "I failed to see that between you two before, it was my mistake."

Rin grabbed your hands and put them together gently. "From now on I'm no longer against your relationship with Tengen, even though he has too many wives--"


"I know, I know okay. As long as you're happy, loved, safe and comfortable I'm happy as well. All I wanted since knowing you were alive was your happiness."

Tears welled up in your eyes, "Thank you okaasan," You sighed "I would like to apologise as well, I said really bad things to you when I was angry. You aren't an outcast and you don't need a husband! Though you can get one if you want. And you do have kids."

You put your aunt's hand on your head, "I'm your daughter and Aoki and Tsuki are your kids too now," You said tears rolling down your cheeks "I'm sorry Okaasan, please forgive me."


You looked up at your aunt who had tears in her eyes as well. Before you could respond she pulled you into a hug.

"Thank you, Y/n-san. Thank you for calling me your mother."


You took a deep breath, you stood Infront of the door to Aoki's room preparing yourself.

When you found the right confidence you walked in.

Aoki was seated on his bed like always. His eyes turned grim when he saw you.

You dismissed the maid and closed the door.

You went over and sat at the foot of his bed.

"Hello Aoki-kun."

Author's POV: do you like this chapter, I don't know I just felt that y/n had to resolve things with Rin and make amends before she finally goes home and lives a happy life. I can't wait to finish this fanfic. The votes have been a great support to me too, I love you all!

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