Chapter 11

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Several weeks had elapsed, marking a journey through numerous motels, cases, and bus rides. Melody found herself in a quaint coastal town for a new investigation. She was drawn to the sea, it brought back good memories from what she remembered of her life with her mom, so she wanted to drag this one out for as long as possible. There'd been a string of strange deaths and the epicentre seemed to be the seemingly sleepy town.

She'd settled into a routine of heading to a tiny coffee shop on the high street every morning before a walk along the beach prior to working on the case. It wasn't far from the motel she was staying in and there was something about the salt air that gave her clarity.

Bobby reached out regularly, keeping her informed about her family back home. Dean, struggling with his anger still; Sam, healing slowly under Cas's vigilant care—his recovery hampered by the curse intended to be fatal. The magical and physical toll on Sam was more severe than first anticipated, so it was taking time for his body and Cas' healing to catch up.

She missed them all dearly. But she knew this was absolutely for the best. The peace of mind she had knowing they were safe was unparalleled. She was enjoying the literal peace of mind too now she was fully human and the rush she got from solo hunting was a bonus.


It was a day literally like any other. Melody woke up naturally to the sun peeping through the grubby motel blinds. She got herself up and ready and headed to the coffee shop where she ordered her usual - a chai latte with extra chai and an almond croissant. A small, comforting ritual in her transient life.

It was a beautiful day, the sky was blue and speckled with fluffy white clouds. The sea was calm and the rushing sound of the waves was soothing. It was early enough that there was still a slight chill in the air - her favourite time of day. It was hard to believe there was anything untoward happening here.

As she meandered along the beach, latte in hand and music blasting through her earphones, an unexpected jolt nearly toppled her. Panic flared momentarily—had her past caught up with her? What the fuck?! She thought.

She looked down and sighed with relief, initial fear dissolving into laughter. A very giddy, fluffy St Bernard was prancing around her legs. She laughed at herself for worrying. "Heyy! You gave me a fright buddy!" she teased as she scratched behind the dog's ears.

"Bernie!!! Bad dog!" A male voice bellowed over her shoulder, growing closer. She turned to see a mountain of a man approaching. He had short mousey blonde hair swept to the side, almost bronze sun kissed skin and his simple but sporty white tshirt and black running shorts did little to conceal his robust physique.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry!" He puffed. "It's hard to keep up with him sometimes. Are you ok?!" He seemed genuinely concerned. "Ha, I'm fine. I'm glad to have made a friend." She gestured to the dog, giving him another head scratch. "As you can see, obedience school is really paying off" he smiled sarcastically, his pearly white veneers shone from his stubbly mouth. "Hugo, by the way. And this is Bernie." "Bernie for a St Bernard - original. I'm Melody." She smirked. "Well Melody, I'm sorry about your latte. At least let me grab you another to make up for it." He said confidently. "No, honestly it's okay" Melody didn't want him to feel obliged. "Nah, I insist." He was simply charming.


They walked back up the beach towards the small high street. The smell of coffee replaced the smell of salt in the air as they approached and they sat in a cozy corner while Bernie settled himself in for a nap on the rug underfoot.

"So, considering your only friend here is my unruly mutt - I take it you're new in town?" Hugo quizzed. "Yeah, just passing though. I think. Research for my latest novel." Melody pulled struggling writer from her cover ideas. "Anything I might have read?" He quizzed. "I write mysteries, but haven't managed to get published yet. How about you?" She shot back, wondering why a guy like him would choose to live in a sleepy seaside town where the average age of resident was 65. "I'm pretty new here too. Inherited my father's law firm when he passed away last summer. I've only just now been able to bring myself to make the move here." "Oh I'm sorry." Melody's brow furrowed, wishing she'd not asked. "Don't be. We didn't always see eye to eye me and the old man. Plus business is booming. They call this place God's Waiting Room, the will writing service is in high demand." He said cheekily as Melody tried hard to stifle a cackle.

They had another hour of light hearted conversation and coffee before Hugo's watch chimed. "Ah shoot. I'm needed at the office. So much for a day off eh?" He sighed. "Look, I've really enjoyed this. Maybe we could go out for something a bit stronger than coffee sometime?" He raised an eyebrow as he placed a wad of cash on the table for the tab. Melody hesitated for a second. Despite her reservations and unresolved feelings for Sam, Melody couldn't deny the spark of intrigue Hugo ignited. "Yeah, sounds good. Would be cool to have a human friend." She tried to say casually. "Cool. Here's my digits. Gimmie a call sometime?" He handed her a business card from his wallet; "Thank you, Hugo Lamontagne - attorney at law". She read.

Melody pondered the unexpected turn her day had taken. Perhaps, amongst the usual mysteries and shadows of her life, there was room for something—or someone—reassuringly ordinary yet entirely captivating.

1 - Unofficial Daughter - A SPN TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now