Chapter 29

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Strapped to a chair and feeling extremely weak, Melody fought to keep her eyes open. Hugo had slit both her wrists and was slowly but surely collecting her blood in two large containers, not realising it was useless to him now. She knew she didn't have long left.

He was pacing back and forth, mixing a paste in a small bowl as he spoke. "Ya know, I thought I could do this the easy way - gain your trust, seduce you into giving me anything I wanted. It didn't have to come to this, if you'd just remained compliant till I had the spell together." Melody mustered the energy to scowl.

Without warning, Sam - who had regained consciousness - dashed at Hugo once more, knocking the bowl from his hands and slicing his arm open with his enchanted dagger. "You're gonna regret that." He uttered, grabbing Sam by his collar, lifting his feet from the floor.


Sam struggled against Hugo as he restrained him to another chair. "I didn't think I'd have to kill you twice. Getting Deja vu yet?" He sneered, referring to their encounter in the barn. Sam spat in his face, making him furious. He landed a blow on Sam's jaw. "You just don't know when to quit do you? You could have just handed her over in the first place. Is she really worth your life - again?! I doubt it." Hugo began laying into a defenceless Sam, his body recoiling as ribs snapped.

Sam breathed in a raspy breath, "She's worth it. More than you'll know." He defied.

Hot tears ran down Melody's face, this was all because of her. "Hugo. Why?" She managed to muster some words to distract him, playing on his love for being bold and dramatic and centre of attention.

"To put it simply; I don't like not getting what I want. I want to be the most powerful force on this planet. When I learnt of your existence, I tracked you down, or at least I thought I had. Your bitch of a mother wouldn't tell us where you were, so she had to be disposed of." He was enjoying being indulged, Melody was glad to have bought Sam a break from the beating. "When my men started being picked off one by one decades later, I knew it must have been someone close to you. I could have stopped your hunter friend here at any point; but I left him to it. I wanted him to think he had a chance. I tortured him for hours to give you up, he just would. Not. Crack." Punching Sam's abdomen and face with the last two words he spoke. Blood was spilling from his mouth as he made heartbreaking eye contact with Melody. "Why would anyone protect someone that defiantly? Want to share with the class Samuel?" Hugo pulled Sam's slumped head upwards with a tug of his hair. "Because I love her." He spluttered. Melody sobbed furiously. "Because you love her. I saw a way in - love triangle. I picked this disguise because Hugo LaMontagne was everything Sam could have been. Stable, strong, reliable - everything you craved from him. Simple transfiguration spell once I'd got his DNA. See, I'm a man who likes to see people getting what they want. So had a bit of fun with the townspeople to grab your attention. Planned to get you so hooked on me that you'd willingly give up your power to me - just like you willingly gave me everything else so very easily." He sneered, leering towards her, "I might even just have you one last time here and now, just to truly break your hunters heart, before I kill you just like I killed your mother". Sam was grunting furiously, trying to turn Hugo's monstrous attention to him. What the fuck are you doing Sam? Melody thought.

"Will you shut up and die already?!" Hugo's patience was running out. "Make me." Sam spat more blood out as he challenged him. Defenceless, Hugo was beating a restrained Sam to a pulp. Melody heard his nose crack, and an almighty gush of blood escaped, splattering the walls.

In her drowsiness, Melody realised Sam's intention as his blood splatter began to mix with the paint of a sigil sprawled hastily behind him. Droplets of the liquid were running to the floor - rendering the warding invalid.

Sam smiled through the pain as he saw Castiel who was now able to apperate behind Hugo with the sword. "Have this, asshat." Cas quipped as he ran it through Hugo's back.

The room was enveloped in a thick, smothering fog as Hugo cried out. His yell progressed to a fading growl as the fog cleared, leaving nothing of him but a pool of black ooze on the floor, seeping into the concrete.

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