Chapter 27

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"Care for a nightcap?" Sam's whisper filled the room as he entered. Melody released all the breath she was holding inside her chest. "Oh Sam, thank fuck it's you." She whispered back, pure relief washed over her. "I'm sorry if I startled you. Figured you might have been having a bit of trouble sleeping." he explained, the clink of a whiskey bottle and glasses in his hands punctuating his words. "Make mine a double please" she sighed.

She watched in silence as he poured two generous glasses of the liqueur. They each picked a glass up and took a hefty sip - the warmth of the drink soothing Melody's frayed nerves as it slid down her throat. After a moment, Sam broke the silence. "We need to talk." He was right, and Melody took the lead. "I'm sorry. I never would have gotten involved if I'd known the truth. I was lonely, hurting, and he was just there... And then, the spell," she confessed, her voice tinged with remorse. Sam sat mulling over Melody's statement, swirling his whiskey around the glass. He was clearly trying to tread carefully with his response.

Sam's expression was one of remorse. "Maybe if I'd been upfront from the beginning, we wouldn't be in this mess." Melody countered quickly, "If you had, I wouldn't have allowed you to put yourself in danger in the first place." "That's not what I'm referring to," Sam corrected, frustration seeping into his voice as he ran a hand through his hair. Confusion crossed Melody's face, prompting Sam to clarify.

"You really have no idea? What did I say to you on the phone a few weeks ago when you were struggling with your case?"
"Always search your motel room for hex bags...?" Her guess was far off the mark.
Sam scoffed. "Ha, not that. Sometimes you're too close to something to see it for what it really is. And I think that's what we have here" he gestured at the space between their torso's. "I don't know about you but for a while I've felt...something. I can't put it into words but I've not felt anything close to this before."
Melody was floored. All this time she'd been focussing on concealing her feelings for Sam, she failed to recognise he was doing exactly the same.
She gnawed her lip, trying to muster any response that wasn't an excited squeal.
Sam took his window to continue; "I let the facade slip on your birthday - then I panicked in case it didn't mean as much to you as it did me. I don't want to ruin everything we have."
Melody's relief was audible. "I've felt it for a long time too. And I've been hiding it for almost as long."

Their eyes met briefly, a silent understanding passing between them as they took another sip of whiskey. "I've held back, thinking you deserved a different life, one I couldn't offer. But taking out your enemies - something I could offer - I figured maybe that would've given you a chance at it," Sam confessed, his voice heavy with emotion. Melody's head was swimming with thoughts, it made it hard to articulate a sentence.
"Sam. I've realised I don't want any of that if it's not with you." She shook her head.
"So what are we gonna do about this?" She quizzed, not wanting the room to fall into awkward silence again. Sam's gaze held hers, warmth flooding through her at the intensity in his eyes. "As much as I want this, we don't have to do anything if you don't want. We can forget this, move on," he offered, though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "I want this too...I have another idea," Melody said, her voice carrying a hint of boldness. His expression shifted, the air between them charged with unspoken possibilities.

Melody sat herself on Sam's lap, straddling him as she planted a long, tender kiss on his lips. How she'd missed this mouth. His tongue tasted sweet like whiskey as their kisses got more and more passionate. His large hands were grabbing her all over and she could feel his desperation for her. Except this time, there were no abrupt stops. They tugged each other's clothing off frantically and resumed their positions, Melody trying her best to suppress the moan that escaped when Sam entered her. He was tender and patient as they made love, clearly enjoying every minute of overdue pleasure between the pair. Melody tried to contain herself for Sam's benefit, but soon found herself biting into his shoulder as waves of climactic ecstasy took over her. She wanted to scream out but knew she couldn't. This only encouraged Sam, who took charge and picked up the pace. She could feel his heart pounding through his chest as he was crashing into her. It was the most delicious experience.

She'd fantasised about this a lot, but the daydreams didn't have a patch on the actual experience. She felt like an itch had finally been scratched. It was satisfaction and elation and familiarity all mingled together. It was another level and a welcome release of pent up tension for them both.

It almost made her forget she'd got an all-powerful warlock on the warpath for her. Almost.

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