Chapter 30

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Castiel set to work bringing Dean and Bobby around and fixing them up, he then set to work on Melody's wrists and Sam's everything. The team torched the occult supplies belonging to Hugo before they wearily headed back to the Impala.

The world was safe from whatever that entity was, once and for all. Melody was free of her celestial  burden for the first time in her life and her mom had been avenged - this was as close to peace as she could remember feeling as an adult.


"Watcha up to?" Melody said playfully as she rubbed Sam's shoulders. He was reading a newspaper in the comfort of Bobby's study a few weeks after the incident. "Hey you. Just seeing how our loose ends have tied up. Conveniently, it looks like the real Hugo was mixed up in some nasty business." He tilted the page so Melody could read;

Detectives have announced today that the disappearance of local man Hugo LaMontagne is thought to be linked to a drug cartel in Los Angeles.
Mr LaMontagne hasn't been seen or heard from since July 3rd. The latest break in the case has revealed he was in serious debt with various dealers in the LA region.

Further down the page was a small column;
There was a picture of Ronald Wintertin in Hugo's former office, Bernie was sat proudly beside the desk. She read on;
"Mr LaMontagne Sr and I were friends since we were at college. I'm honoured to take over his legacy here...I just couldn't keep this pooch away either."

Melody nodded; "All's well that ends well then I guess. Although, that dog...I wonder if it's...?"
Sam caught on to Melody's theory. "Nah, surely not...or could it be?" They glanced curiously at the photograph in the paper, both wondering if the real Hugo had in fact fallen victim to a transmutation spell.

Sam shrugged as he stood up, planting an enthusiastic kiss on Melody's forehead. "We'd best get going, we'll be late for karaoke night."


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