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THEY ALLOWED the two women to keep their beds together, which allowed the medical bay to become more peaceful again; no longer are the screaming mornings long and painful

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THEY ALLOWED the two women to keep their beds together, which allowed the medical bay to become more peaceful again; no longer are the screaming mornings long and painful. They have become a little less, and more comfortable for everyone around. That, however, does not stop them, night terrors fill both their minds and dreams, always scared to lose the other or anyone else they care deeply about.

"Hello girls," there is a stupid grin on the boy's face as he barges into the small room-like space in the medical bay that gives a little bit of privacy.

"Hello Odair," Johanna's voice sounds tired as she sits down on the bed again. "Come sit," she says as she pats on the bed beside her. "Thai isn't here right now, she left with Rohan to discuss back home."

"That makes sense yeah," Finnick sits down on Thana's bed, "they are the only ones missing their family." He smiles lightly, "I finally asked the question."

Johanna's face allows a smile, "and obviously Annie said yes." Her lips broadening even more as Finnick nods, "I am so happy for you." Johanna grins, patting Finnick on his shoulder.

"Me too," he shakes his head, "only problem is that Coin wants to turn it into more promo stuff."

"God, I hate that woman," Johanna lets herself fall back on her bed, "she didn't even show one fucking second of emotion or empathy to Thana or me when we spoke to her."

"I know right," Finnick lets himself back as well, "she says she is so amazing, but she is putting Katniss is awful positions and so all of us other victors."

"Ugh," she rubs over her head, "I thought we would have some calm for now..." she pauses for a moment before turning to look at her friend, "I just want to protect Thana."

"I get that," Finnick's smile turns into a teasing one, "besides you are sleeping together now."

"Oh, shut it," but she just rolls her eyes and smiles at her friend.


At the same time, Thana is sitting with Rohan in his room. A lot of paper in between them as Thana sits on the floor and Rohan on his bed, the bottom bunkbed as he shared the room with Haymitch who has the bunkbed on the other side of the room.

"So, Pearl," Thana says, "she is hiding somewhere with our family." She points at one of the maps she drew of their district with the help of Rohan.

"My guess would be either in plain sight," the man sighs deeply, "or they are somewhere we don't even know."

"My torturer," Thana gives Rohan a pointy look as he wants to but in, "he told me that they are off the grid." She moves the back of the pencil over to the larger farmhouses. "My guess would be that they are hiding with one of these families. Pearl is original from there, right?"

Rohan nods his head, "she is yes." A smile forming on his face, "then they are quite safe, and food will not be that much of a problem which is great especially for Sadiya."

"And the Capitol will never suspect it," a watery smile on her face, "I want to send a letter to them." A single tear escapes her eye, "now that district 13 is openly supporting the districts and bringing extra support in food and other necessities, I want to send them a letter."

"The Capitol has no power over district 9 anymore," Rohan agrees, "I'll talk to Boggs, but I think he will agree." A sneaky smirk appearing on his face, "and otherwise we shall sneak the letter in, because we will deliver one saying you are alright." He nods his head, "they should know that you are safe here in district 13 and no longer in the Capitol."

"I am getting some pens and paper," A small grin forming on her face, "I will send your regards as well, don't worry."

To my lovely family,

I have thought about you every single day since we parted ways so long ago, at least for me it is so long ago. My heart and soul are breaking for not seeing all of you, for not being able to embrace you all. I am safer now, no longer in the Capitol but rather safe with Rohan in district 13.

Johanna and I are slowly getting better and have grown even closer, but that doesn't change the fact that I miss all of you and our home. I miss the watery sunrises, the smell of rain on the grain fields, the scorching sun in the summer as we check all the wheat. I miss the smell of our kitchen, the late nights in the summer when we used to dance on the squares and in the streets.

I even miss the bloody early morning to get the water, the awful reaping days. If only I was with all of you and not here. Maybe I wouldn't be who I am right now, because honestly speaking I am doing even worse than when I got home the first time.

Mom, Dad, I need you. I just want a hug from you, to know everything will be alright no matter what. Somebody who will finally embrace me to grief Latif with me, not somebody who already went through it. The moment he died in my arms, is one of the most horrible moments I have ever gone through.

I miss all of you, my heart aches and I wish for all of this to be over very soon so I can be in your arms again.

Much of love,

And of Rohan


Johanna on the other hand, is going on a rant to Finnick about how much she misses home.

"You remember when we lost Blight?" She sees him nod, "told you all that he wasn't much but he was from home." The boy nods again, "it would've been great if he was around you know? Somebody to talk about home, district 7 about." She sighs softly, "you have Annie, Thana has Rohan, Katniss has Haymitch and Peeta, Enobaria I have no idea, and Beetee is to obsessed with inventing to even think about home." She looks into Finnick's eyes, "I miss home." Her breathing slows down, "I didn't think I would miss it this much, not since meeting Thana."

"She has also become your home," Finnick dares, "hasn't she?"

Johanna nods as her lips become a thin line, "in a way yes, but a part of my home is also still very much in district 7. In the trees there, with the memories I had with my family."

Finnick squeezes her hand, "soon you will be able to go back to 7, soon it will all be over."

"That is all I have heard since I came here," Johanna's chuckle is humorless, "don't believe it anymore." She shakes her head again. "And god, do I miss the morphine, might go steal some from the 'girl on fire' later."

Finnick laughs at it, "surely she would love a visit from dear old you, don't you think?"

"Sod off Odair," Johanna allows a laugh to fall from her lips, one that feels amazing to share with her longest friend here.

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