Chapter Nine

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FOX News
The Don Clarke Show

Don Clarke: Good to have you here again, Reverend Emily Jean!

Emily: It's so good to be here. Praise the Lord ! It's a honor. I thank the Lord for giving me this privilege.

Don : Well. First, my dear, I want to ask you about this boycott of yours. Of your husband's church. Very unusual especially seeing it's against your brother Rebel. Your own brother? Really?

Emily: Yes. My poor misguided by the devious hand of Satan and the music industry brother. My beloved husband Lawrence and myself have established a boycott through our church The House of Everlasting Godly Love and Mercy. We ask our members which number among millions to kindly refrain from purchasing any of his so called music or attending his abomination concerts. His music is obscene and should not be  listened to by good Christian people especially children.

Don : Interesting. Although I must add Rebel is one of the most popular and highest selling performers to grace this planet since Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. He is rumored to be among one of the richest with a reported net worth in the billions. He's quite generous as well. He singlehandedly supports a homeless shelter in New York City and a community center there that caters to supposed runaway LGBTQA youth. What is the point of your boycott now?

Emily: The point? Praise the Lord. The point is to save my brother's eternal soul and bring him to the light.

( Texts )

Sallie: Skip , honey, I will sign the contract for the book about Rebel. But with a few changes. No PR until it's published. And I write it as anonymous. I get the very nice money but I don't want any trace leading back to me.

Skip Warren ( publisher of Warren Books ) : Possible. If it's written by anonymous it could become a blockbuster. Booktok will love it. Make it juicy, Mommy Dearest.

Sallie: I'll try , honey.

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