Chapter Forty Four

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The food was spectacular. Almost as good as Dom's cooking. The enormous oak wood dining room table nearly buckled under the heavy bowls and platters of Pop's food. The most beautiful looking ham that was faintly dusted with cinnamon and brown sugar. Heaping bowls of collard and mustard greens. Macaroni and cheese. Fried chicken. Homemade bread. Shrimp salad for the more picky eaters like Marie who was more into her phone than eating. Rebel was not a picky eater that night. He shoveled in the food like it was going out of style fast , washing it down with what they called Pop's original lemonade. He even stole food off Dom's plate which had Cassie exchanging knowing looks with Ariel and Bettina. He was steadily beating even Anthony. Anthony was reaching out for the last slice of bread when Rebel's hand snapped it up and devoured it.

Anthony narrowed his eyes at Rebel. Then he growled. He reminded Rebel of Rafe in that one moment.

" Get him , Daddy," one of the triplets said from the smaller Kids ' table.

" Anthony Michael Gaines," Ariel warned.

Rebel," Dom said with warning eyes on his brother.

" Oh Lord ," Marco whispered as he moved his own half empty plate out of possible throwing distance.

Marie stood up and fled to the nearest bathroom.

Cassie rolled her eyes and reached for her glass of red wine.

Ariel snapped ," Marco, do not take the Lord's name in vain. And Anthony, behave yourself. We have guests. "

" Yes ,"Rebel said happily," a client guest. "

The word guest was enough to restrain Anthony from leaping across the table at Rebel who was now fighting Auntie Bettina for more salad. Auntie Bettina, Ariel's older and larger sister,won that battle. After all the seventy five year old woman was a retired factory worker and Teamster president for thirty five years before she retired to a life of poker and bingo with her senior friends.

Dom leaned over to Rebel and whispered," Remind me to tell you about the time Auntie Bettina popped her girdle open in church. Her dress also split up the back. Pastor Gerry retired soon after. "

Rebel got a terrible image in his head. He stopped eating. " Damn you," he whispered back.

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