Chapter Forty One

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Dom would deny it if pushed but he was just as nervous as Rebel about the man coming to his family's regular Sunday dinner. It didn't start hitting him though until they were in the backseat of the Uber ( driven by a star struck driver who had promptly begged a selfie and an autograph from Rebel before they had even gotten into the car ) heading to the two story red brick house in Harlem he had grown up in. He loved his family but they could be considered to be an acquired taste. Like oysters. Or pig feet. They were a big loving and crazy family. From his over the top at times Ma who already knew everything about Rebel to his brothers who claimed they were cool about his being gay but suffered terrible bouts of curiosity about it at the most awkward times.  His Pop was cool though. Pop tended to just chill with life. He had his family, his many friends , his food and his restaurant. And that was all that Pop really cared about. Rebel would like Pop. Everyone liked Pop. What would his family think of Rebel? The real Rebel. Not the public face Rebel. Would they think Dom was reaching beyond himself with this man? Would they think Rebel was just slumming? Was Rebel just slumming? And of course there was that whole client thing.

Rebel adjusted his sunshades on his face and smiled at him. " Now whose acting like a nervous teen girl? "

Dom tried to present a mean stern mug but somehow failed. " I'm not nervous. "

Rebel laughed.

The driver grinned ear to ear as he drove. Dom just knew that selfie was going to be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as soon as they got out the car. He wondered if this was what happened every time Rebel went out.

" I'm not nervous," he said as the driver pulled up to his beloved family home where he could see Cassie standing on the wraparound porch holding a can of beer and grinning madly in their direction. Oh shit and was that Dr. Reese Malden standing behind her looking like he was about to meet Santa Claus? Dom rolled his eyes. Rebel gave the driver a hundred dollar tip and the guy nearly fainted.

" Can't wait till your next CD ! Have a great day, Rebel! ,"the driver babbled before pulling off.

Dom said," Ready?"

" Of course. It's only your family. They don't bite. "

Rebel hesitated. " Do they? "

Dom smirked,"Only when eating. Oh and speaking of food no politics talk during dinner. Pop hates that shit. And no going after food Anthony got his fork after. He's been known for stabbing people with a fork for a slice of ham. Especially when he's on a diet supposedly. And he's on a diet now. "

Rebel began to laugh but it died off as the whole family came out the house along with a tall handsome blond man who tossed a possessive arm around Reese's shoulders and three adorable looking identical little girls with long jet black cornrows, mischievous brown eyes and light brown skin. They wore matching frilly white dresses, puffy white socks and polished black shoes.

Dom cussed. " Shit. Auntie Bettina here. Don't expect no seconds. And watch out for my nieces. "

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