Chapter Fifty Six

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                  Jimmy Fallon Show
                  October 2018

Jimmy: Well well well welcome back to the living, Rebel. It's been ages since we've seen your face. Or heard you. Girls have been crying coast to coast since you departed public life.

Rebel: Thank you, Jimmy. I just needed a little break. It's been a trying few months.

Jimmy: I can imagine. The tragic shootings at your home. Your sister's suicide. And that really evil stalker. It's the stuff of Hollywood movies. I tell ya. That's what it is. A movie. You should make a movie about it.

Rebel: Well I don't know about a movie but all the proceeds from my latest Rebel's Delight will be donated to a new pet project of mine. A group home for young survivors of sexual molestation that will be based in New York City. It will be called the Emily Jean Memorial House of Hope and it's going to run by a marvelous therapist Dr. Cassandra Gaines.

Jimmy : That's wonderful. Wonderful. So boys who suffered like you did ?

Rebel: Yes. And girls too. So they can start learning how to survive more than suffer.

Jimmy: Wonderful. Very generous. This new CD. It's not out yet but I'm hearing good things about it. Very good things. It features a musical newcomer on it. Doing a duet with you. A doctor of all people named Reese Malden.

Rebel: Yes. Reese is an incredible talent. He's going far. He recently signed a full contract with my own manager Bailey Mullins. I'm proud to say I discovered him.

Jimmy: Yes. You discovered him at some type of family dinner?

Rebel: Yes. It was at a friend's house.

Jimmy: A .... Friend? Hmmm ? What's her name, Rebel? When's the wedding?

Rebel: It's not a her.

Jimmy: Hmmm.

Rebel: His name is Dominic David Gaines. He's not just a friend. He's the man I love. I lost him because of my own stupid fears. Just like you said, Bailey. I regret it every day. Every hour. Every minute. I would do anything for him to forgive me. Dom. Dommy. Please give me another chance. I want more too.

Jimmy ( hesitant): So....... You're not straight ? You're what , bi ?

Rebel: No. I'm gay. Gay enough to be the Marshal of the next pride parade. And I love only one man. I love Dominic David Gaines.

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