Finding Yang

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As the heroes wondered about Abhishek's cryptic warning about "yang," a sense of urgency gripped their hearts. they made the decision to take Abhishek's body back to the tunnel where the statue resided.

Carrying Abhishek's lifeless form, they journeyed back to the tunnel, their steps heavy with the weight of their burden. Upon reaching the chamber where the statue stood, they carefully laid Abhishek to rest outside the entrance, a solemn tribute to their fallen foe.

They saw that the rock has gained a form. Though not as big as he was,he is now able to walk and sit.

Once Abhishek had been laid to rest, the heroes turned to the statue. "We need to know what 'yang' means," Anurag stated firmly, his voice tinged.

The statue's eyes widened in alarm at the mention of the word. "Yang... where did you hear that?" it asked, its voice trembling slightly.

"The shadow knight mentioned it before he fell," Mithun replied, his brow raised with concern. "We need to understand what it means if we're going to stop whatever plans he probably had in motion."

Mr. Statue's expression darkened as he processed the information. "This is grave indeed," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "If the shadow knight spoke of 'yang,' then it means..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. "Did you see two dragons fleeing from the battlefield?" he asked, his voice urgent.

The heroes exchanged a glance, recalling the sight of two dragons—one light grey and one dark grey—escaping from the chaos they had wrought. "Yes, we saw them," Sooraj confirmed.

Mr. Statue's eyes widened in alarm. "Then it's worse than I feared," he said, his voice trembling. "The balance has been disrupted. Yin and yang, light and dark, they must be restored."

With a heavy heart, the heroes realized the gravity of the situation. The shadow knight's actions had thrown the delicate balance of the world into chaos, and they were the only ones who could set things right.

As Mr. Statue explains the consequences of the delicate balance of yin and yang being broken, he emphasizes the dire situation facing the world. He describes how chaos will ensue, leading to a decline in people's interest in living, an increase in natural disasters, a rise in suicide rates, and a surge in mental disorders. The heroes understand the gravity of the situation and realize the urgency of restoring balance.

Mr. Statue then reveals that to restore balance, they must find manifestations of yin and yang, which will appear in a 16 year old human form. He explains that these embodiments can be recognized by their distinct attire: one dressed in black representing yin, and the other dressed in white representing yang. Their mission becomes clear – to seek out these embodiments and restore harmony to the world before it's too late.

Mr. Statue instructs the heroes to seek out Yang, who will assist them in locating Yin. Yin is their enemy, the force of destruction they must confront to restore order. Yang is likely present in the town, either flying or walking, and the heroes must find and enlist its help in their quest to restore balance and defeat Yin.
Mr. Statue surveyed the group with a sense of urgency etched into his stone features. "We must find Yang swiftly to restore the balance. Everyone, go search for him."

However, Robin, Sooraj, and Karthik hesitated. "We're unable to join the search," Robin explained. "We have other tasks to attend at home.We won't be available for 2-4 days"

Understanding their decision but pressed for time, Mr. Statue turned to Mithun, Anurag, and Ajay. "Will you three take on this task?" he asked, a note of urgency in his voice.

Mithun, Anurag, and Ajay exchanged determined glances before nodding in agreement. "We'll find Yang,and yin" Mithun declared confidently. "We won't let you down,after all,itss vacation!"

With a sense of purpose, the trio set off on their mission to locate Yang and restore balance to their world.

"So where should we start?" Mithun asks

"Well lets do a search at a 200 meter radium of where the shadow knight fell" Ajay says

"Well I will search the southern direction,you two search the northern" says anurag

"Can you handle that?"Ajay asks

"Why not? My time travel powers enable me to go into selfless state where I can go thrice as fast as a normal human,and I am too strong to feel tired after that" Anurag replied

The trio searched everywhere, But they were unable to find yin or yang,it felt impossible,Just after sunset, they returned to the statue.

"hey we didn't find anyone with black or white dressed child that looked odd" asks mithun with sorrow

"I see,Then you shall search the other day,You have about 15 days before the damage becomes irreversible" the statue said

The trio went to their homes to sleep. But Anurag saw something in his home that he never expected.

my grandma rushed in and asked me who this 5 year old boy was.

"I don't know,who is he?" I replied,but realised that the boy was yang,as he was dressed with a white dress with small black dots shimmering.

"Wait you are yang!" Anurag shouted

"So you do know him,Now tell me,who is she?"

Anurag didn't want to say all the things that happened before because she would never let him outside if she hears it

"Oh he is my friend's brother!" He somehow came with a lie within seconds

"Oh yeah,then why does she want to see you? She says she won't leave until you come here,And after all why are you late?" Grandma asks

"I'm sorry I'm late,I will send her back home tomorrow"

"Well its only 6:20,their parents must be scared,Send them now!"

"O.. Ok" anurag replied

And took her out of the house.Then slides his watch and it forms a white portal

"Hey Kid,will you please go through that portel?" Anurag asked yang

"Yeah but I need your help for somethin"

"I know everything,if you go through that portal,I would help you find yin"

"Really! Okay then" yang says and jumps to the portal

"Finally,I leave the rest to you Anurag!"and Anurag goes back to his house and says that he sent her back.then he starts playing video games

Tomorrow morning

Anurag yawns,gets up does all the morning routines and waits outside his house

"Any moment now" anurag says.

"I should have made it a little earlier"

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