The Shadow Knight Returns

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In the wake of a day, A few archaeologists found a large coffin which they thought could be opened in the ruins of eldoria

"Hey lets see if we can open it!"

"Ok, Wear the gas mask, Let's check it"

Both exerted force on the upper part, but it remained immovable. They summoned another archaeologist, and together they pushed tirelessly. Despite their combined efforts, the outcome remained unchanged.

Archaeologist 2: I guess this isn't a coffin

While saying this,One of the archeologist pushed something on the chamber accidentally. After the click, The upper part slowly moved away and fell

"What happened?"

"I don't know, Lets check whats inside"

As they looked into the chamber,They realised it was a chamber of some ancient human. But unlike what they usually see, This "coffin" was different

"Hey, why is the body not mummified?"

"And why is the inside of the chamber made of steel?"

"The more important one to know is why this body isn't decomposed"

Several questions arised,the chamber was made of metal,it had a body which still isnt decomposed. The body looked like a knight. It had a dagger in its hand which still looks new. But before they could answer any of them, The thought dead body started to emerge from it, It somehow awakened.Everyone went back seeing this. Then the knight started speaking something.

"So I have finally awakened I see" He looked around

"Oh so you are the one who awakened me, I thought it was the eldorian prince, They were supposed to awaken me, if their civilization ever gets destroyed, But I guess he got killed before he could awaken me, But I guess it not too late to start now"

The knight got from the chamber,went to the top of the grand temple and raised his hand

In mere moments, The ornament of darkness flew to the knight,while it was stored in a chamber in the tunnel

"Huh, who is summoning the ornament!" Mr statue astonished

"I need to inform the heroes as fast as possible, We are in grave danger"

While the ornament went to the knight, he said "So, The plan was to use this ornament to revive the eldorians, And if I remember correctly, The last user who was serenus died without using this ornament, Meaning it didn't seal his soul and body to this ornament. So the ornament will use me as a vessel instead of a previous shadow knight. Ok here we go"

As he put on the ornament, a powerful jolt surged through him, causing him to shake and scream before collapsing to the ground. When he regained awareness, it was no longer the knight who stirred, but Abhishek, now fully in control of the body he had overtaken.

Meanwhile at the tunnel

"The ornament of darkness has been summoned by an eldorian" Mr. Statue explained, his voice laden with concern. "This could mean grave danger for our world."

"What the hell man? How does someone know that it's here? And how does an ancient eldorian come back to life?"

"Somehow, An ancient eldorian has been awakened, Who knows the summoning words to summon it, Thats why I lost it"

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the heroes sprang into action, determined to thwart whatever nefarious plans the knight had in store.

Back atop the grand temple, as the knight prepared to don the ornament of darkness, a surge of power coursed through him. With a scream, he collapsed to the ground, his body convulsing as Abhishek's consciousness took control.

Now fully in command of the knight's body, Abhishek stood up, his eyes ablaze with newfound power. With a grin, he surveyed his surroundings.

"Where the heck an I now? I thought I was dead"

He found out the he was at the ruins of eldoria, Near the place where he found the ornament

"Huh, I look and feel like I am at my peak, And why do I have a dagger" He looks at the dagger and is shocked, "wait this is the Chronoscepter! does this mean god gave me a second chance?"

"If this is the chronoscepter and I actually got revived at my peak, Then yeah now shit is about to get crazy"

Going like a Black Flash, Abhishek went back to his city which was about 3.4 kilometer away in mere 2 seconds

"So where is this heroes, I really need revenge for killing me" with that he raised his hand in a menacing gesture, his fingers curled into deadly claws. With a malicious grin, he unleashed the devastating power sending destructive energy rippling through the air. Buildings crumbled, streets shattered, and chaos reigned as the once-thriving city fell prey to Abhishek's merciless slaughter.

The heroes were at their houses when this happened, Doing their chores and entertaining themselves. Within moments,the heroes heard an explosion, Like a nuclear bomb exploded a kilometer away. The heroes immediately sprang into action.

After they saw abhishek there.There were astonished and stunned

"Hell nah, How are you alive?"

"I got reincarnated!" Abhishek smiling heavily

"Nah we'd win again"

"Oh really?"

The dagger slashing through each heroes body was so fast it made after effects. Within moments each of them was lying half dead.

"Look who won?, Didn't you hear? I got reincarnated! I got a new body! Now I am at my peak!! You wil never beat me now!"

Abhishek's laughter echoed through the ruins, a sinister melody that sent shivers down the spines of any who heard it. His eyes glinted with a chilling madness as he surveyed the devastation around him, reveling in his newfound strength. In that moment, he seemed like a dark specter, a harbinger of untold horrors yet to come.

"No" Anurag replied while trying to raise his arm, Breathing heavily

He slided his watch counter clockwise, changing the watches time backward 10 minutes, then the dial opened up. "Not yet,I have... a second... CHANCE" as he slammed his watch and rewinded time, 10 minutes back

Anurag opened his eyes seeing him where he stood 10 minutes before

With a deep breath Anurag said

"I need a plan"

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