Escape is not easy

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"Who are you? You definitely aren't robin" Anurag grunts being at the end of the bridge

While he was carrying ajay with one hand and holding on to the bridge with his other, This mysterious person is trying to push him out to space, and his strength is draining fast

"Let go of him" the person shouts

"No I won't" with all of his energy he tries go back up and finally makes it

"Oh So you have a strong will I guess, but how will you fight me now"

"Why should I fight you?" Anurag's hands are swelling in pain

"Oh you will see" He throws him out the bridge again

"No I won't be trapped for eternity!" Anurag finds to grab the bridges edge

The person then smirks and kicks him so strong it sent him crashing down

Anurag suddenly awakened in a mall with what looked like temporal distortion

"For a second I thought it was all a nightmare"

"Hello there!" An unfamiliar voice hits him

Anurag's eyes flutter open to find himself back in the mall, but something is drastically different. As he looks around, he notices that each corner of the mall seems to exist in its own temporal bubble. In some areas, time appears to speed up, with people and objects moving in a blur of motion, while in others, time slows to a crawl, creating a surreal and eerie atmosphere.

The space itself seems to be warping and distorting, with cracks forming in the air like fractures in a crystal. Anurag can feel the fabric of reality unraveling around him, and a sense of unease settles in the pit of his stomach as he realizes that he's trapped in a realm where the laws of physics no longer apply.

When Anurag stood up, he realized that his friends were trapped there too, along with some other unfamiliar people.

"So, you finally came. I guess it's just luck," an old man with a bald head stepped in front.

"Oh yeah? And who are you again?" Anurag asked, puzzled by the sight of the elderly man.

"I am the previous user of the time band," the old man coughed.

Anurag's eyes widened in surprise. "Uh-huh, but you weren't the one I saw floating around when I was getting beaten up by Abhishek."

"That was just your brain cheering you on because you were at the brink of death. It's a mechanism in our body to keep us safe," the old man explained.

"But I don't understand anything that happened now. Could you explain it if you know?" Anurag was overwhelmed by the events.

"YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, HUH? YOU ALL GOT TRAPPED HERE FOR ETERNITY. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!" Another bald man, much more muscular, appeared and started screaming at Anurag.

"Relax, Gravitas. Why are you always angry?" The old man looked at Anurag and said, "I will explain. I am the previous or the first user of the time band. My name is Tempus, the creator of the hand bands, and this is my youngest brother, Gravitas."

"Whoa, no way, you are alive?" Anurag was astonished.

"Well, I am not, but our souls were kept inside the bands. What you're seeing right now is the training ground created by the time band to gain strength quickly. But instead of getting in like normal, you malfunctioned it, so you can no longer escape unless you reach an incredible level of strength using the band," Tempus explained while stretching his arm.

"You also have to master amplification!" Ajay called out from the background.

"What's amplification?" Anurag asked.

"It's a technique to multiply other people's strengths," Gravitas, who was floating around, said.

"But doesn't Ajay know that too?" Anurag was confused.

"He said you can multiply it to 1000 times," Siyad Ali, who was there as well, added.

Anurag took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "So, I need to master this amplification technique to get us out of here?"

"Precisely," Tempus nodded. "Amplification can enhance your own abilities and those of others exponentially. It’s not just about physical strength, but also your control over time and space. This will be your way out."

"But remember," Gravitas warned, "if you fail, you might be trapped here forever, with no chance of escape."

Anurag felt the weight of the task ahead. "Alright, where do I start?"

"First, try making half of this space go faster in time and the other half slower," Tempus instructed. Anurag could see the other band users training his friends in the background.

"But that's so hard, it's like drawing a triangle with one hand and a circle with the other!" Anurag exclaimed.

Tempus nodded, his expression serious. "Precisely. This exercise will test and enhance your control over the band. You must learn to manipulate time in multiple ways simultaneously."

Anurag took a deep breath and focused. He extended his arms, one towards the left side of the space and the other towards the right. Concentrating deeply, he visualized the flow of time, willing one side to accelerate and the other to decelerate. At first, nothing happened, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Focus on the feeling of time in each hand," Tempus advised. "Feel the speed in one and the slowness in the other. Let the band guide you."

Anurag closed his eyes, trying to internalize Tempus' words. He imagined the ticking of a clock in his left hand speeding up, while in his right hand, it slowed down. Gradually, he felt a faint difference in the air pressure on each side of him. He opened his eyes to see the space around him starting to warp slightly, the left side moving faster and the right slower.

"Good, keep it steady," Tempus encouraged. "Maintain the balance."

The strain was immense, and Anurag's arms shook with effort. Just as he thought he might lose control, he remembered his friends relying on him. He gritted his teeth and pushed harder, maintaining the dual manipulation of time.

"You're doing it, Anurag!" Ajay cheered from across the training ground, his voice echoing in the warped space.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Anurag released his control, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. The space returned to normal, and he gasped for breath.

Tempus helped him up, a proud look in his eyes. "Well done, Anurag. You have taken your first step towards mastering amplification. The next step is triple manipulation, it will be even more challenging, but I believe you can do it."

Anurag, still catching his breath, looked up at Tempus with determination, slides to look at the others, they were training even harder than ever before

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