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As Sooraj fought against Primean's relentless horde of beasts, his focus consumed by the chaos of battle.Slowly killing each one of them

Caught up in the frenzy of combat, Sooraj's heart raced with adrenaline as he slashed and dodged, doing everything in his power to protect his friends. But as the last of the beasts fell beneath his blade, he turned to find his companions lying motionless on the ground, their bodies battered and bruised.

"Wait no" Sooraj's breathing increases

A surge of panic and despair gripped Sooraj's heart as he rushed to their side, his hands trembling with fear and uncertainty. "No... this can't be happening," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he frantically checked for signs of life.

His breaths came in ragged gasps, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts. "Wake up! Please, wake up!" he pleaded, his voice growing more desperate.

But as the reality of their situation sank in, Sooraj felt a profound sense of helplessness wash over him. With tears streaming down his face, he clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white with the intensity of his grief.

"I won't let you get away with this," he vowed, his voice filled with determination as he turned to face Primean once more. With his friends depending on him, Sooraj knew that he had to find the strength to keep fighting, no matter the cost.

With a primal roar of frustration, Sooraj slams his fists into the ground, the force of his anger reverberating through the air. His brows knit together in a deep furrow, his eyes narrowed into fiery slits as he glares at Primean with unbridled fury.

In a burst of rage, Sooraj hurls his weapon at Primean with a fierce cry, the muscles in his jaw clenched so tightly they stand out against his skin. His lips curl into a snarl of pure contempt as he unleashes his pent-up aggression upon his adversary.

Sooraj's expression twists into a mask of torment, his features contorted with the intensity of his rage. His teeth grit together violently, the veins in his temples throbbing with the strain of his suppressed fury.

With a primal scream of defiance, Sooraj charges headlong into battle, his facial muscles taut with determination as he faces down Primean with unwavering resolve. A silent promise of retribution to come as he prepares to unleash the full force of his wrath upon his enemy.

As Sooraj clashed with Primean amidst the chaos of battle, he launched a relentless assault, his sword dancing through the air with deadly precision. His first attack came in the form of a swift overhead strike, aimed at Primean's shoulder with the intent to disarm him. However, Primean deflected the blow with a quick parry, his movements fluid and calculated.

Sooraj followed up with a series of rapid slashes, each one aimed at different angles in an attempt to overwhelm his opponent. He feinted to the left before lunging forward with a thrust aimed at Primean's midsection, but Primean anticipated the move and sidestepped just in time, narrowly avoiding the blade.

"So close"sooraj clutched his sword made of nexisource more tightly

As Sooraj continued to press the attack, Primean countered with a powerful kick, aimed at Sooraj's chest with enough force to send him staggering backward. Sooraj recovered quickly, using his gravity powers to anchor himself to the ground and maintain his balance.

With a fierce cry, Sooraj unleashed a powerful move, conjuring a whirlwind of gravitational energy around him and sending it hurtling towards Primean with incredible force. The swirling vortex engulfed Primean, threatening to crush him under its weight, but Primean managed to erect a barrier of shadow energy just in time, deflecting the attack and sending the whirlwind scattering harmlessly into the air.

Despite Sooraj's best efforts, Primean remained steadfast, his defenses holding strong against Sooraj's onslaught. But just as it seemed that Primean would emerge victorious, Sooraj spotted an opening in his adversary's defenses. With a determined gleam in his eye, Sooraj seized the opportunity and launched himself forward, his sword flashing with renewed vigor as he aimed a decisive blow at Primean's exposed flank.

The blow struck true, finding its mark with unerring accuracy and sending Primean reeling backward with a cry of pain. As Primean stumbled, Sooraj saw his chance and pressed the attack, driving Primean back with a relentless barrage of strikes until finally, with one final, decisive blow, Sooraj delivered the finishing blow that sent Primean crashing to the ground,One of primean's hand slashed,hoping he defeated him, but he slowly stood again, And dashed towards sooraj, With all the attacks he did, he was exhausted and couldn't move, primean's attack sent him straight to the wall, right next to Anurag

Breathless and exhausted, Sooraj stood over his fallen adversary, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he surveyed the scene before him. But as he looked around, he noticed something that filled him with hope and renewed determination. Amidst the chaos and destruction, he saw his friends stirring, Anurag's eyes fluttering open as they began to regain consciousness.

With a sense of relief washing over him, Sooraj rushed to their side, helping them to their feet as they shook off the effects of Primean's attack. Together, they stood tall, united in their victory and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Hey anurag, wake up"

Anurag woke up and looked to sooraj "huh so we lose huh"

"No we didn't! You can defeat him,go"

"No, I can never, I never ever defeated anyone, why should I try" Anurag said with a calm voice with no emotion

"Huh what are you saying?" He tried to move his body, no use he was paralyzed, he couldn't feel anything

"You can move right? At least try to do something"

"What's the point? I don't have any chance aginst it"

Sooraj became angry, his hands started to change, his expression changed, his strength grew, His legs were shaking as a noodle, but he stood up infront of anurag

"You moron, We came in here together, do you have depression or somethin'? If you don't wanna fight, then I will kill this alien all by myself, then I am going to kill you" he shoted and fell to the ground but he stood again and soared to primean

His strength increased, Blowing 1000 of different attacks with humis hands and sword at blazing, empowering him to unleash a relentless barrage of attacks with both his hands and his sword. With blinding speed, he conjured and launched thousands of different strikes,and a pink energyvm resonated within him, Suddenly his strength incresed and he went level 3

He attacked with deadly precision, attacking while blitzing through each attack, Primean tried to predict where he would be and tried to arrange a series if attacks but none of them hit him, the attacks repealed each attack, as if though there was a barrier protection

"Oh No this is going to be bad"

Primean got exhausted after blocking all of the 5000 different attackes sooraj made and he got immobilsed

"Now, you are gonna die" Sooraj clutched his swords and blitzed to primean slashed his arm and took the corestone


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