Shadow realm

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"Shadow entities on a whole different level huh" Abhishek while he decrypts an ancient scripture

"I see, They were unable to a
open the portal for long because they didn't have a large power source"

"Wait, I can just take that compact nuclear fusion reactor that Nithin made, And If I am able to beat them, I will get whole army for eternity!" Abhishek exclaimed

"So the plan would be that I would open a portal at my base and enter that shadow realm, Then I will defeat the shadow entities and use my shadow absorption technique to make them my slaves, It's said that there saw many shadow entities there, some with colour and some with not, Then I will defeat them and make an army that's atleast 10 times stronger than the shadow beasts I have now" Abhishek smirked

"Now I just need to locate the portal pedestal, which is rumored to be near the ruins of Eldoria. Legend has it that the Shadow Knights, weakened by constant use, couldn't handle all of them. But for me, it should be a piece of cake."

Abhishek ventured into the ancient ruins of eldoria and found a seperate temple different from the grand temple

"This should be the place," Abhishek smirked as he surveyed the temple's architecture.

As he entered the temple, He saw that it was quite empty, Only having a box like structure in the middle, He sensed something wrong in that temple, so he searched the box

"Huh It says in here that the building blocks of this room is actually a password thing?, I have to find the answer of this equation and that the blocks having those numbers are the ones to be broken to enter it" abhishek astonished

"Fortunately I am a math expert and I just need to answer this thing" abhishek smirked

"So the equation is ( (x^2 - 3x + 2) \times (x^3 - 4x^2 + 5x - 2) = 0 )"

"And X would be" he wrote it in his phone

"x = 1, 2, 1 - i, 1 + i, 2" Abhishek lauged and said "I'm too good at this"

He pressed the blocks having those exact form numbers and just as he expected, A door to a basement opened up

"I should have just broke it open"

As he descended into the dimly lit basement, Abhishek raced with anticipation. The air was heavy with the scent of ancient dust, and his footsteps echoed against the stone walls.

In the corner of the room, partially obscured by shadows, Abhishek spotted the pedestal he had been searching for. Having mysterious symbols that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy.

With cautious steps, Abhishek approached the pedestal, his fingers trembling with excitement. He ran his hands over its smooth surface, feeling the faint hum of power that emanated from within.

"This is it" he whispered to himself, "The key to unlocking the secrets of the shadow realm"

With a steady hand, Abhishek reached out and placed his palm against the surface of the pedestal.

Stepping through the shimmering portal, Abhishek found himself transported to a world unlike anything he had ever seen before. The sky above was a surreal shade of pink, casting glow over the landscape below. The ground beneath his feet was a deep, inky black, stretching out in all directions as far as the eye could see.

Abhishek felt a sense of awe and wonder. This was a planet that defied all logic and reason, a place where the laws of nature seemed to bend and twist in strange and mysterious ways.

Despite the strangeness of his surroundings, Abhishek felt a thrill of excitement coursing through him. This was the realm of the shadow beasts, And he was determined to unlock its mysteries and claim its power for himself.

The first thing he saw was stone golems with purple coloured vein like things around it's body

"Nah that's just too weak"

Then he saw some shadows that turned into different beasts

"That's not good too"

All of them had pink or purple vein like lining on their body. After venturing more he saw some shadow human things.

"Hola amigo, ¿sabes hablar?"

the knight waved and disappeared into the distance. Abhishek then found himself standing at the edge of a village amidst the surreal landscape. Intrigued by the sight, he made his way towards the heart of the settlement, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of beasts.

Passing through the narrow streets lined with strange, otherworldly buildings, Abhishek couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that gripped him.

As Abhishek reached the center of the village, his eyes widened in shock as he witnessed a scene of chaos unfolding before him. A group of individuals, distinguished by the red linings, were launching a ruthless attack on the peaceful villagers.

Abhishek realized that these red-lined assailants were the rulers of this realm, intent on colonizing and exploiting the defenseless village for their own gain. The villagers, who are being constantly terrorized tries runs as away as soon the army arrives to collect revenue every now and then.

"You are perfect" Abhishek murmured, "You red people are going to be my slave" he laughed

"And I will be a hero of this realm too!, And I am sure that the leader of this group is strong" Abhishek laugh stood out from the people's cries

With a fierce cry, Abhishek leaped into action, his movements swift and decisive as he engaged the red-lined aggressors in combat. Each strike of his sword, Within minutes, he destroyed all of the 500 terrorists.

"These people are pretty weak, but oh well I can made them do the dishes" he smiled and raised both if his hands, And suddenly all of the people arised and kneeled before abhishek

"I prefer a new look for you" Abhishek changed the shadow people into knights

"That night look with red linings is a really good design" abhishek exclaimed

"Now let's go to your leader, show me the place where he reside my fellow" he points at one of the knights and all the other vanished, Ready to appear whenever abhishek needed help

Abhishek with the help of the knight, traversed the lands, His spirits high and their determination unwavering, ready to face whatever adventure awaited him next. With each step they took, embracing the thrill of the unknown, Together, they forged ahead, bound by a bond stronger than steel, eager to write the next chapter of their epic tale.

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