It gets harder

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Anurag felt the weight of his new task: triple time manipulation. If the previous exercise had been like drawing a triangle with one hand and a circle with the other, this would be like adding a square with his foot. Yet, he was determined. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine three distinct flows of time, each moving at a different pace.

Tempus guided him. "Feel the separate streams, Anurag. Each hand controls a different speed, and your mind must maintain the third."

Anurag extended his arms and focused on the space in front of him. He visualized a fast-forwarded stream on the left, a slowed-down stream on the right, and a normal flow in the center. Sweat trickled down his face as he strained to maintain control. The air around him began to shimmer and distort, indicating his partial success.

"You're getting there," Tempus said. "Remember, balance is key."

After several minutes of intense concentration, Anurag collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath. The temporal distortions around him flickered out.

Tempus nodded approvingly. "You're progressing faster than I expected. Keep practicing, and you'll master it."

Meanwhile, Ajay focused on mastering the art of flight. His mentor, Gravitas, was a stern and demanding instructor.

"Flight is about controlling the gravitational fields around you," Gravitas explained. "You must create a force that counters gravity while maintaining stability."

Ajay closed his eyes and tried to feel the gravitational forces. He imagined himself as light as a feather, slowly lifting off the ground. At first, he wobbled and fell back, but he didn't give up. He tried again, this time focusing on the balance and control Gravitas had emphasized. Slowly, he lifted off the ground, hovering a few feet above.

Gravitas nodded. "Good. Now, maintain your altitude and move forward."

Ajay tried to move, but he lost his balance and fell. He got up, determined to get it right. Over and over, he practiced, each time getting a little better at controlling his movements. After several attempts, he was able to fly smoothly around the training area.

#### Mithun's Instant Transmission

Mithun's task was to master instant transmission. His mentor, a stern-faced warrior named Tarsus, explained the technique.

"Instant transmission involves focusing your energy on a specific point and willing yourself to be there," Tarsus said. "You must visualize your destination clearly and concentrate your energy."

Mithun closed his eyes and visualized a spot across the training ground. He focused all his energy on that point and willed himself to be there. At first, he only managed to move a few feet. Frustrated but undeterred, he tried again, each time pushing himself a little further.

After countless attempts, Mithun finally succeeded in transporting himself to the other side of the training ground in an instant. He felt a rush of exhilaration as he realized he had mastered the technique.

Tarsus nodded. "Well done. Now, practice using it in rapid succession."

#### Karthik's Lightning Attacks

Karthik's challenge was to master throwing lightning attacks while dashing. His mentor, a fierce warrior named Aether, demonstrated the technique.

"Focus your energy into a lightning bolt," Aether instructed. "Then, while moving at high speed, release the bolt towards your target."

Karthik visualized a bolt of lightning forming in his hand. He dashed forward and tried to release the bolt, but it fizzled out. He tried again, focusing more intensely on forming the bolt and maintaining his speed. After several tries, he managed to release a small lightning bolt while dashing.

"Good start," Aether said. "Now, increase the power and accuracy of your attacks."

Karthik practiced tirelessly, each time refining his technique. Soon, he was able to release powerful lightning bolts with precision while moving at high speed.

#### Robin's Mist Release

Robin's task was to master mist release, a technique that involved controlling water vapor in the air to create a dense mist. His mentor, a serene warrior named Mistara, guided him.

"Mist release requires you to manipulate the water particles in the air," Mistara explained. "Focus on drawing moisture from the surroundings and condensing it into a mist."

Robin closed his eyes and focused on the moisture in the air. He felt the water particles gathering around him and began to condense them into a thick mist. At first, the mist was thin and dispersed quickly. He tried again, concentrating harder on condensing the moisture.

After several attempts, Robin was able to create a dense mist that obscured the training ground. Mistara nodded approvingly.

"Good. Now, practice maintaining the mist while moving and using it to conceal your movements."

Robin practiced moving through the mist, using it to hide his presence and launch surprise attacks. With each attempt, he became more adept at controlling the mist and using it to his advantage.

After days of intense training, Anurag, Ajay, Mithun, Karthik, and Robin gathered together for their final test. Tempus and Gravitas watched as they demonstrated their newfound abilities.

Anurag successfully manipulated three different time streams, creating a chaotic but controlled environment. Ajay soared through the air with ease, demonstrating his mastery of flight. Mithun transported himself across the training ground in an instant, showing his command of instant transmission. Karthik unleashed powerful lightning attacks while dashing, hitting his targets with precision. Robin created a dense mist and moved through it stealthily, launching surprise attacks.

Tempus nodded in approval. "You've all done well. But remember, this is just the beginning. You must continue to hone your skills and work together to overcome the challenges ahead."

Gravitas added, "You have the potential to become great warriors. Use your powers wisely and protect those who cannot protect themselves."

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