Siyad ali the explorer

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"Where is it, I am sure I put the console here" Siyad ali grew nervous.

"I'm pretty sure I put the console in this part of the basement because of the annual exams, Why can't I just play on vacation" Siyad ali got frustrated.

Just as Siyad was about to wrap up his search, He noticed a glow at a corner of the dark basement.

"Huh what's that?"

Curious, he approached the peculiar object and discovered it was a portal. Without hesitation, he reached out his hand, and to his surprise, it vanished into the portal's shimmering surface.

"Ey, a portal? A gate? Let me look what's inside" with a daring grin, He stuck his head inside and found the magical shadow realm

Excited by the mesmerizing world before him, Siyad Ali was drawn in without a second thought, oblivious to the lurking dangers that awaited him in the shadows.

"What is this place?" Siyad Ali ventured forward

Approaching a glimmering purple light in the distance, he felt a strange pull towards it.

Upon reaching the source of the light, he discovered a peculiar purple cube. As he drew nearer, the cube dissolved into his hands, morphing into a sleek, elongated glove that encased his entire arm.

"Wait, what the..." Siyad Ali's astonishment was palpable as he raced back to the portal.

Upon returning home,the portal also closed, however, he was met with an eerie silence. Climbing the stairs from the basement and stepping outside, he found the world around him altered.

"I'll just head over to Mithun's house; maybe he's got a console," Siyad Ali decided, hopping onto his bicycle and pedaling to his friend's place.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Siyad called out, but no response greeted him.

The rustle of leaves in the forest, the emptiness of the roads devoid of cars and people – it all added to the unsettling atmosphere.

"Hmm, this is strange. I haven't seen a single person around," Siyad muttered, his confusion growing with each passing moment.

As Siyad Ali hopped back onto his bicycle, a shiver ran down his spine as he sensed a mysterious presence lurking behind a nearby tree. He felt its gaze fixated on him, as if it hungered for his blood.

With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, Siyad Ali cautiously approached the tree, his heart pounding in his chest. Peering behind it, he found nothing but empty darkness.

"Strange," Siyad Ali muttered, his senses on high alert.

Suddenly, droplets of saliva began to rain down from above, prompting Siyad Ali to look up in confusion. What he saw sent a chill down his spine – a shadowy figure perched on the branches above, its eyes glinting with malevolence.

Before he could react, the shadowy creature leaped from the tree, its intentions clear – to attack and kill Siyad Ali.

Instinctively, Siyad Ali fought back with all his might, delivering a powerful punch that sent the creature flying. As it crashed to the ground, it underwent a bizarre transformation, reverting back to its human form. Siyad Ali stood, panting and bewildered, trying to make sense of the surreal encounter.

"How did I punch that thing that hard?" Siyad ali astonished looked at his hands, glowing green.

"Wasn't this thing purple before? I think this thing gave me that strength" Siyad hopped back on to his bycycle and tried to go to Sreeram's house.

"Hello Sreeram!" Siyad ali shouted

He saw that Sreeram's house was shut from the outside. None of their schoolmates were in their houses.

"Why is nobody here"

"I will go to anurag's house, He never leaves his home" He dashed towards his home, He saw his gate open, so he entered and found the house's door opened.

"I'm sure he is here"

He walked at the door and shouted "Hey Anurag"

Nobody responded

"Is this some zombie apocalypse?" Siyad ali's pulse quickened

In the dim room of Anurag's house, a shadowy figure emerged, sending a chill through Siyad Ali. Reacting quickly, he jumped back and got ready to fight.

The shadowy creature rushed at him, but Siyad Ali stood his ground. With a strong punch, he hit the shadowy figure.

The shadow human turned back into a human, upon closer inspection, he saw that it was anurag.

"Hey Anurag, What happened to you?"

Anurag looked up and slowly stood up and said "woah, I think I became a shadow sapien while fighting them"

"A shadow sapian?"

"Yeah and what's up with you being here" Anurag was confused

"I don't know, I entered a portal and when you came back, All of them are shadow things"

"Wait you entered a portal?, That explains why you are still alive, but how did you turn me back to human"

"I don't know, I think this did" Siyad ali showed him the gloves that encased him.

"That means we have an antidote! Come there is still hope" Anurag slided his watch and a portal opened up.

"Woah this is so cool! You have superpowers?"

"We'll sort this out later; for now, let's get inside," Anurag urged, giving Siyad Ali a push toward the portal before following him in.

After entering the portal, Siyad ali was teleported to the tunnel, Where all of the heroes sat

seeing Anurag and siyad ali, Ajay exclaimed "you're back!"

All of the others who were doing different things looked at them astonished

"Where were you anurag? It's been two weeks since we last saw you" Robin asked

"I was turned into a shadow sapian and siyad ali found a way to turn me back into a human!" Anurag smiled

"Wait no way!" Mithun exclaimed

"Ok Siyad ali, Tell us everything you know, We are safe here" Anurag prompted

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