The next morning

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Anurag yawns, Gets up does all the morning routines and waits outside his house for someone

"Any moment now" Anurag says

A white portal opens,and here comes yang! He had teleported him to the next day

"Oh time travel is it,our powers are restricted when we travel to the universe,So we are a bit surprised about this" Yang said

"Yeah,Well can you tell me how you know me?"

"You questioning the near omniscient god?" Yang askes

"No,I am not omniscient to know that you would be offended" says Anurag with a grin in his face,looking down upon him

"Well where are your brothers?" Yang asks while looking at each direction like they are close by

"Well my friends are at the tunnel,lets go there" Anurag says and opens up a portal to the tunnel

"Come"Both of them enter the portal and went to the tunnel

Meanwhile everyone in awe looking at the boy

"Aww you are such a cute boy!" Says sooraj,his face melting with joy

"Is this yang?" Robin asks

"Yes,and didn't you guys say that you won't be available for 2-4 days?"

"Well that uhh we finished all the work in our homes thats all" says robin sooraj and karthik

"Hmm well ok,So this is yang and now we need to find yin"

"Hey yang do you know where yin is?"

"Yes I do,but he is not willing to come" yin said, "He is unhappy that no one values him,I tried to talk to him but he just runs away"

"Well then take us to him," Mithun said, "we will tell him the  balance of the world without him" Ajay said with a smile

Yang clicked on Anurag's watch and opened a portal

"There" yang said, "he is there"

When they went to the portal,he saw Yin,A little boy who looks sad.The heroes asked Yin to return but Yin stood resolute, "I've grown weary of feeling unappreciated," she confessed, her voice with frustration. "For centuries, I've upheld balance without acknowledgment or gratitude."

The heroes exchanged glances.

"Yin, your role is indispensable," Mithun began, stepping forward with sincerity.

"Without you, chaos would reign unchecked. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed."

Ajay nodded in agreement, adding, "Your tireless efforts have shaped the very fabric of existence. We need you, now more than ever."

Yin's demeanor softened, but he didn't budge

But Yin's didn't even budge,he left there immediately,The heroes followed them,

"Yin,without you, This world would have ended long ago" Anurag pleaded

But nothing stopped yin, Each time, Every day, His determination to not go back only strengthened

"Hey yang, Can we fight him and forcibly take him back?" Robin asks

"No,You can't, Don't you know the strength of a god?" Yang said "He is as strong as me,I can never hurt him,nor can I try,he is my other half"

Just after the talk,the heroes noticed a change, They were unable to use their powers

"Yang, what's happening?" They ask

"Its the universe trying to balance itself,I am sorry,without yin you and I will die"

"Won't he die too?"

"He doesn't care"

As the heroes fell unconscious. ajay said to yang, "find him,let him see what he is trying to do..."

Yang went to yin and asked

"I know why you are doing this,but do you really want to kill of all the 8 billion humans and all the 1 trillion species on this planet?"

"I dont care,go away from me"

He said while his eyes closed sitting his head on his knees.then there was silence.Silence.Yin looks why yang isn't talking,Thats when he saw yang dying

"Yang,why are you killing yourself? You do  know that you can live without the universe dont you? Then why are you doing this?" Yin asked in desperation

"Why should I be the one to live when you kill everyone? Its pointless to live with somebody who only seeks destruction, A mindless fool"

As Yin's stubbornness persisted, Yang's weakening state began to jeopardize the very fabric of existence. In a desperate attempt to cling to his independence, Yin failed to grasp the gravity of his actions until it was too late.

Witnessing Yang's self-sacrifice. With a heavy heart, he watched as Yang faded away, a poignant reminder of the consequences of his arrogance.

"No, no There should be a way to get you back" Yin breathing heavily,his heart beating increased,He started to cry

"I am a fool" Yin said to himself, "only if I had went back,I would atleast have Yang"

"The heroes were right" he said as he was crying, Thats when he had a realisation

"The heroes" he murmured

"THE HEROES, THATS RIGHT, THEY ARE THE SOLUTION!" he shouted with excitement

He immediately went flying to them.

"Where is the time traveller"

He found Anurag unconscious, "Here it is,"

He takes the band from anurag,and puts it on him,And with a deep breath he clicks the dial to travel 10 minutes before

Yang was back,Right infront of him.The heroes back,everyone back

"Here take this back" yin gives back the band to Anurag, "Ok yang,I coming back"

"Really? Oh god I was so afraid that you would Destroy the universe!"

With joy in everyone's mind yin and yang returns to upperworld where they resided

"We might see you again,Oh and your journey of superhero only started! So dont do selfish things with it okay?" yin-yang said with unison

"Well we expect you to never be seen, And thank you for the advice!" Robin says

With a glimmer of Black and white light, yin and yang went away.While the heroes wonder what their journey takes them next.

To be continued!

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