1034th attempt

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"Well,tell me then."

"You see, you are only using the powers of the band, which requires a lot of resources,but instead try to customise the technique and put in as little nexisource as possible, which still works exactly like that."


"Yeah, when you learn that, you will automatically go to level 3."

"But I don't know how to do that; can you explain?"

"See, Feel the power of the band coursing through your body, Feel it, and try to control it like a string and use as little nexisource as possible. By getting the power control, you will easily become powerful. You may even surpass me!"

"I didn't change anything, but I will try," and Anurag closes his eyes and rewinds time again.

"Ok, I need to feel the power, huh?" Anurag focused his mind on the power of the band coursing through his body. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to feel the energy pulsating within him, like a vibrant string waiting to be controlled.He could see it in colours.

With a determined expression, Anurag began to experiment, attempting to manipulate the energy with precision. At first, his efforts were clumsy, but with each attempt, he grew more adept at controlling the flow of power.

As he concentrated harder, Anurag felt a subtle shift in the energy, as if it were responding to his commands with greater ease. Encouraged by this progress, he continued to refine his technique, striving to use as little nexisource as possible while still achieving the desired effect.

After what felt like hours of intense focus and concentration, Anurag finally felt a breakthrough. With a surge of exhilaration, he realised that he had successfully customised the technique, harnessing the power of the band with remarkable efficiency.

"Now, though I haven't gone to level 3, I think I will during the fight, I guess."

With the remaining time, Anurag went to everyone else and gathered. "So, the shadow knight is going to come here and attack us. I have tried to defeat them over 1024 times and still failed. So please fight with your whole hearts, and I will try to go to level 3."

"Umm, what the heck?"

"You gotta do this. I am sorry."

"Well, it feels like our first time, so ok."

After their heartfelt exchange, the group braced themselves for the impending battle. They positioned themselves strategically, each member ready to unleash their powers at a moment's notice. Anurag, feeling the energy coursing through him, prepared himself to tap into the customised technique he had just learned, determined to push himself to the limits and beyond.

The air grew tense as they waited, the anticipation mounting with each passing moment. Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed on the horizon, heralding the arrival of the shadow knight. With a thunderous roar, he descended upon them, his dark aura pulsating with malevolent power.

Without hesitation, the group sprang into action, their movements fluid and coordinated as they launched their first wave of attacks.

Mithun, wielding his staff with expert skill, delivered powerful blows that reverberated through the air, driving back their foe with each strike. Ajay, his magic crackling with intensity, conjured protective barriers to shield his friends from harm while launching devastating counterattacks.

But the result was still going against them: the shadow knight toying with the heroes, doing basically nothing and putting the opponents to their brink.

"You can still dance! Can't you?" Abhishek asked while looking at Anurag

With a fierce battle cry, Anurag tapped into his newfound power, channelling the energy of the band with unparalleled efficiency. In a dazzling display of skill and determination, he unleashed a devastating attack that sent shockwaves rippling through the air, striking the shadow knight with incredible force.

Abhishek went flying 20 metres, stopped his fall by his leg, and said, "Yeah, thats what I want to see! I was waiting for this!"

As Anurag unleashed his newfound power and surged forward, Abhishek's smirk widened into a sinister grin. With a flick of his finger, he called upon even greater strength, his dark energy pulsating with malevolent power.

Even though Anurag was giving it his all, Abhishek acted like it was no big deal, dodging every attack like it was nothing. He was all smirks and laughs, totally enjoying himself while Anurag and his crew struggled to even make a dent. It was like he was playing a game, and he was winning big time.

As the battle raged on, Abhishek's enjoyment only seemed to grow, his movements becoming more fluid and graceful with each passing moment. He danced through the chaos with an otherworldly grace, his dark power swirling around him like a cloak of shadows.

Anurag and his friends fought with all their strength and skill, but Abhishek's power was simply overwhelming. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't seem to land a decisive blow against their formidable foe.

As the battle came to an end, Anurag felt a surge of frustration dwelling up inside him. Despite his best efforts, it seemed like they were no match for Abhishek's dark power. But deep down, he knew that they couldn't give up, not when so much was at stake.

"I guess I will go back in time and train until I go to level 4."

Abhishek heard and replied, "What? I don't want to sit here and fight you for centuries, man. I'm getting bored now."

Anurag felt a little confused. "Huh, but we only started fighting for 10 minutes technically."

"Really man? Why don't you never lose your determination?"

"What? I don't understand, were you time travelling too?" Anurag asked with curiosity

"Duh, You see I changed the mechanism of this ancient chronoscepter, by changing mechanic to -x I changed and made it a sort -of time machine"

"Well So?"

"Well, Each time you went back in time, I went with you!, So I have been fighting you for.... 1036 times I think" Abhisek smiled

"I guess if you don't want to fight us 100s of times, accept defeat"

Abhishek lauged, "You think I couldn't kill you?" With a dark flash he went near Anurag and kept his chronoscepter dagger to his neck, "I can kill all 1036 times" Abhishek said with an angry voice

"Then why didn't you?"

"Why should I?" Abhishek smirked, " You see when I was in my original body, I used the head band so much that I was in the brink of death, As a cure, I needed the hand bands, but now I dont need it, And this modified chronoscepter regenerates all damage the headband generates, So I am good with this, Your powers seem to be really weak too, I first attacked you for revenge for killing me, Then I thought of fighting you till you find out even when time is at your side"

"So I did all of this for nothing" In a controlled voice, barely indicating the anger

"Nah you got to level 3"

"Come one guys, This guy is stupid"

"Hey who you callin' stupid!"

"Bruh you made me go through a trauma as revenge"

"Well thats what you get when you disobey Abhishek"

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