Mithun at peak

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With the dust settling from Mithun's powerful blow, the group watched in awe as their friend stood tall, wielding the transformed headband with newfound strength and determination.

Anurag, still recovering from the earlier attack, looked up at Mithun. "Nice one, Mithun! That's some impressive power you've got there."

Mithun nodded, "Thanks, guys. I couldn't just stand by and watch while this rock monster attacked Ajay.Now let me see what his hand has."

Just as he was opening it,the hand flew away to the monster,and attached to him

"Aww man,I saw a core right there in his hand"

As Abhinav rose to his feet, his eyes narrowed with fury at the sight of Mithun wielding the transformed headband.

But Mithun stood his ground, his grip tightening on the metal staff. "I may not have your raw strength, Abhinav, but I have something you don't – the strength of friendship and the will to protect those I care about."

With a roar of anger, Abhinav charged forward, his fists raised to strike. But Mithun was ready, his reflexes honed by years of training and now enhanced by the power of the headband.

Ducking and weaving, Mithun danced around Abhinav's attacks, each movement calculated and precise. With a swift motion, he extended his staff and delivered a series of rapid strikes, each blow landing with the force of a sledgehammer.

The rest of the group watched in awe as Mithun fought with a courage and determination they had never seen before.They were determined to do whatever it took to support him.The sudden boost in his power was Level 2.Imagine how strong the creator would be.

Anurag, Robin, Karthik, Sooraj, and Ajay helped around Mithun, each using their unique abilities to weaken the monster further. Anurag stopped time at crucial moments, giving Mithun openings to attack. Robin conjured flames that engulfed Abhinav, weakening his defenses. Karthik darted in and out of the fray, delivering lightning-fast strikes that kept Abhinav off balance. Sooraj manipulated gravity to disrupt Abhinav's movements, making him slower and easier to hit. And Ajay, despite his injuries, used his magic to shield his friends from harm, providing them with much-needed protection with a purple energy armour like the armour of a knight.

Despite Abhinav's immense power, they refused to back down, knowing that they had to defeat him to protect not only themselves but also the countless others who could fall victim to his darkness.

As the battle raged on, the group found themselves pushed to their limits, their bodies weary and their spirits flagging. But with Mithun leading the charge, they pressed forward, determined to emerge victorious against all odds.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Abhinav began to falter, his strength waning under the relentless assault of the group's combined efforts. With a final, desperate roar, he launched himself at Mithun, but the determined warrior was ready.

With a swift motion, Mithun sidestepped Abhinav's attack and delivered a powerful blow to his chest while pulling his hand to him, sending him crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust while the rock monster's hand where the core was in remained in mithun's hand.

Mithun then broke the core with his hand,and defeated the shadowY.

As the dust settled, the others approached cautiously, their breaths held in anticipation. And then, to their relief and astonishment, they saw Abhinav lying on the ground, his body still and his eyes closed.

"We did it," Anurag breathed, a sense of disbelief washing over him. "We actually did it."

The rest of the group erupted into cheers and applause, their voices ringing out in triumph. They had faced down the darkness and emerged victorious.

But when they celebrated their hard-won victory, they knew that their journey was far from over. With the threat of the cursed headbands still looming over them, they had to remain vigilant and prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

And so, with renewed determination and a newfound sense of purpose, they set out once more, ready to face whatever the future held with courage and conviction.

For they were not just friends – they were warriors, bound together by a bond that could withstand even the darkest of times.

And together, they would forge their own destiny, one step at a time.

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