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"Psst, Wisp,"

She practiced leaped from the sleeping bag. Wisp rapidly swished her head around. Her hair was flung into her face, and she had to swipe it away.

The weight from yesterday night's discussion slid off her. Wisp had hardly payed any attention anyways. She was reading a great book about birds, and how they can easily glide across that great sky. Wisp had caught onto the part where Sayuri might die from grabbing some document.

The moonlight helped illuminate parts of the room. Most of it was still pitch black. It took her a minute to figure out where they were. She wasn't back in some cave; piled with all of her little siblings. Wisp was in two sweet elderly Leaf Tribe farmers.

"What— Who's there?" Wisp asked quickly in a hushed tone.

The being laughed— Good. Not some demon hiding in the shadows. It sounded like someone she knew.

"You're finally awake! Come on, I just have to show you something," Wisp could practically feel the grin of whoever's face this was.

"Nu-uh. First you tell me who you are," She sat up.

"You know who I am, It's your friend, Rustic!" He laughed.

Rustic. Not some monster or demon. It's just Rustic. She could trust Rustic— In fact, Wisp basically trusted him with her life.

"Come on!" He yanked on her hand, and pulled her up, "No one can hear us,"

Wisp followed Rustic out the door, and practically stumbled down the stairs. Although the moon was out, she still managed to skid on a stick. Rustic helped her back into her feet, and continued to drag them deeper away from the house.


At this point, the two were well away from the house— They were well away from the whole village. Rustic was from the urban part of Leaf Tribe, sort of where Sparrow lives. It's quite amazing how familiar this whole area is to him.

He led her to a pond shrouded by trees. It looked so magical— So smooth in the cool moonlight. It seemed like you could practically walk on its pure surface.

A couple lily pads danced on it. Nearby, some wild hydrangeas sprouted by where the pond split off into a small stream. Hydrangeas were her favorite.

"Rustic... Wow, this place is just so beautiful," Wisp murmured.

He smiled, "Can you believe I found this on our first day?"

Wisp shook her head, "No, I was still so startled.. I thought you were gardening, or what Leaf Tribe people do," She laughed.

"Bah, we do much more than just 'gardening,' even if I am from the city," Rustic huffed.

Wisp nodded slightly, but she was already off. Thought would've never let her do this— She always treated her like she was still 8.

'It's because you act like an 8 year old,' Is what Wisp could practically hear her saying.

Well, there was no Thought here to stop her. It was just her, and Rustic. Rustic, probably her best friend. Sure, they have only known each other for a couple months, but it felt like he could be her brother.
Maybe even something more than a brother..

Wisp trailed her fingers in the cool waters of the pond. "Wait up! I'm coming!" Rustic hollered. He stumbled head-first into the water.

Wisp couldn't help but laugh. She helped him up, "You're too clumsy,"

"Says the one who almost fell down the stairs, and tripped on a stick!" Rustic huffed.

"Anyways," Wisp changed the subject, "Look at that over there,"

She pointed to an edge that overlooked the rising sun. Wisp strode over to it. She was careful to not just topple right over the end. Rustic sauntered over towards her. She lifted her hand to stop him from tumbling away.

It felt like there was a lake of clouds beneath them. While Rustic weaved some grasses and flowers together, Wisp called out to the wind like she had the previous night. It was easier here than in their stuffy room, but still difficult without the training they all needed.

She closed her eyes, and slowly lifted her hands. Wisp could feel the weight of the breezes dancing in her palms. She gently carried them.

They bounced on the clouds, and frolicked through the sky. Eventually, they danced too far, and the weight became too much. She slowly brought her hands down, and opened her eyes to a Rustic resting his head on her shoulder, and a flower-crown perched on her head.

The sun was slowly rising again. Wisp hummed softly to herself. The soft chirps of birds began to sing. Maybe she could just rest here with Rustic for a little while..


Here's a more relaxed chapter, next one will be a little bit more rough than this one

Just as a hint, that flower-crown will mean a lot in a couple of chapters

Anyways, as always, have an amazing day/night!

-Echo >:P

Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now