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Something about those words: "Night" had some effect on her. It flashed a memory back to her. When Thought was a couple years younger than now.


  Little Thought stretched in her snow-white bed. She must've been about 10 or 11. Their room, that her and her 3, soon to be 5 other siblings all shared. It wasn't much, but she was grateful for it.

  3 sets of bunk beds were lined up on each wall. Each in a warm, or cool shade of white. The walls were slightly darker, while their floors were a dark, foggy grayish-black. They had one window that streamed in some of the moonlight onto a rocking chair. On the rocking chair sat a few toys, and a couple books.

  She shared one with her 7 year old sister, Wisp. Wisp fit in with everything about their tribe and their family— It was unfair.

  Wisp was the "perfect shade." She wasn't a musky gray like Thought. Although she wasn't as "pure" as their queen, Pure, who went as far as to rename herself. Wisp was what Droplet Tribe would call "upper ranked."

  Thought was the opposite. Even at 7, Wisp already was taller than Thought. She had long, wispy hair to which she got her name from. Wisp was also already much better-looking than most of the villagers Thought could think of.

  Thought had short, scruffy hair, just like her height. She was named "Thought" because: "You never think! Never of the gods, never of our family, never of your own mother." Her father would put.

  Although she studied, and worked just as hard as her fellow classmates, her teachers would rank her lower because of her appearance. She used to not understand this, but now she gets it. Breeze Tribe never cared whether you were brilliant or not, it only ever cared about looks.

  She remembered while walking to school with Wisp and a few of their younger siblings. An elderly man sat on the curb. He barely had enough clothes to keep him warm, and you could count his ribs. He was in worse shape than Thought, but it just shows how careless and idiotic people here are.

  "Mommy?" Silk, her little brother who was basically a younger boy-version of Wisp, murmured.

  It snapped her out of her thoughts. The door creaked open, and for a minute she dove under the covers. Then, familiar footsteps encouraged her out. Thought peaked her head out.

  "Just came to say goodnight," Their mother, a striking shade of silver, said.

  She was pregnant again. Breeze Tribe usually had many children. Thought already had three other siblings, and her mother said she was going to have twins.

  As the oldest girl in the family, it was custom that she help out. There were so many mouths to feed already, and Thought was worried about how to take care of more. Especially in their small house— With barely any income.

  Their mother was the quiet type. She never went out of her way to start conversations. When there was one, she usually listened. It was rare that she'd be vocal other than with her children.

  Her mother started from their youngest, Sky. She stroked his slightly blond hair, before kissing him in between his two sky-blue eyes. Then she whispered "Goodnight" to him before continuing on. Her mom continued this until she reached Thought.

  "Do you have to leave?" She asked.

  Both their mother, and their father were leaving in a few years. They were buying a new house, for everyone to live in. Both were negotiating with the owners on if they could bring all of their children with them.

  Thought new how it was. It's Breeze Tribe; it's made up of many big families. However, since their queen his Queen Pure herself, she won't accept if someone like Thought had a chance at a better life.

  Their parents— Their whole family needed this house though. While the two would negotiate all the way across the territory, Thought would be left in charge of her siblings for a couple weeks. Even though this was in a couple years, Thought dreaded the day.

  "We must," She told her, for what must've been the 100th time, "We need this house— Just imagine living in a huge palace, with stairs that could reach the tops of even the tallest Breeze mountain."

  Thought nodded, but she didn't agree. She knew her mom was making this up to reassure her. That the house would most likely be another version of the one they live in, just with an added room. Sadly, it was useless to argue. She couldn't change a thing.


  Thought blinked her eyes. She returned to the hidden library, with only the other's snores to keep her company. Her eyes flickered to Wisp. Hopefully Moose was keeping the rest of her 6 other siblings safe.

  She knew how that story ended. Thought and her siblings never got to see that new "palace." Instead, they were stuck for awhile. Homeless, just like that man. Starving. They must've been like that for a couple months.

  Then she met Moose, a hybrid. Hybrids— Worse than Mismatches. Hybrids, seen as an animal, rabid. Moose wasn't like that. He helped Thought out when she needed it the most. He helped her become who she is today.

  Oh, how much better it would be if he was here...


I began writing this the moment we were done with Chapter Seven, so still tired brain

This chapter wasn't planned, but I wanted to give Thought and Wisp a better backstory than what we wrote in Chapter One

Thought is supposed to be this more annoying, antagonistic character that starts fights, but I also wanted there to be some reason to like, or pity her

Feel free to give your opinions/ideas on our book so far. It really helps to improve it!


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