2 2 0

  'Poor Ji-ho. I hope he's alright —Also Drought, too. It's been over a day and he's not back yet. I should go look for him. Why is Atlanta still here? What is there sign-language-thing? Does she know anything about where Drought went? Maybe I should go look for him. What if he's being attacked? What if he's dyin—' Edge began to rant in her head.

  She watched Ji-ho and Sayuri slowly disappear farther into the forest. Once he was gone, her thoughts had begun to wander. Then, a shrill howl caught her off guard.

Somehow, it was slightly melodic?

  "Wolves?" Edge said.

  She whipped around to Atlanta. Edge had forgotten to wipe off her fear for Drought. It was still plastered onto her face.

  "I didn't know Droplet Tribe had wolves!" She added in an exclaim.

  "Oh, those wolves came around the time we did ability testing." Atlanta recalled.

  "Huh..." She thought for a moment.

  Then, Edge finally blurted: "I'm going to sound like Thought, but I think they put them there to... Well, I dunno, maybe eat us or something,"

  Atlanta shook her head, "No, probably not. I think that the wolves just moved here on their own."

  "Huh.." Edge nodded.

  It made sense— She really had been spending too much time with Thought.

  Edge inched forward towards the wolves. She pushed away a couple of large leaves, (Which she didn't know the name of) and peered at them. Their howling and yapping made it easy to differ was wasn't a wolf, to what was.

  A wolf with a golden coat scampered away from some large cave. The cave sat high up on the hill. Others yapped and howled at the wolf, while a large black one darted towards it. The creature darted farther back into the woods, with the other following closely.

  They were heading towards their small camp, but Edge didn't see them as much of a threat.

Well, maybe they were rabid.

  A loud thump came from the two. They crashed into a tree. Yeah, it was fine.

  Then, a small strange-colored fox stumbled right across from her. It was so close that she felt as though she could reach out and pet it's strange fur.

  Another loud being trampled behind it, and sent the creature darting away to a thicker part of the forest. This time, away from their camp.

  Droplet Tribe definitely had strange animals. It wasn't like the simplistic ones they had back at her farm, in Flame Tribe.



  Edge pulled herself away from the small clearing. She looked Atlanta dead in the eye, but then turned away. Maybe it would be safer if she stayed back.

  "Hm? What is it?" Atlanta asked.

  "Meh, I dunno," Edge finally said after a good minute.

  She sighed inwardly to herself. Maybe it would be a good idea to have Atlanta come. Both were from Droplet Tribe, so she probably knew more about this place too.

Also, besides the strange sign-language with Sayuri, she seemed reliable enough.

  —Dammit, she really was starting to sound like Thought.

  Edge let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "I am going to look for Drought. I don't know if you want to come or not, but you can if you want,"

  "Oh alright! I'll tag along!" Atlanta exclaimed, but then quickly added, "Just in case something were to happen."

  Edge nodded and smiled. Somehow, she had a feeling something bad was about to happen. She didn't know if it would happen to her, to Atlanta, or to wherever Drought was, but she knew it was coming.


The wolves and fox part of this chapter were related to some of our earlier books!

Have a great rest of your day/ night!



Go away!

I don't want you here!


Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now