2 2 0

(A couple moments later...)

Atlanta's eyes followed her steps. It has been two months, and the group hasn't found any way to save Sayuri. She had figured that going on her own is probably the best decision.

  Her steps came to a halt when she heard rocks and dirt falling nearby. Underneath all of the destruction, there was the scream of a child.

  Silently, Atlanta approached a tumbling tunnel. She hid herself behind a nearby tree. In her left hand, she held a spear. Atlanta was guessing that in the tunnel were Leaf Tribe guards, and the last thing she wanted to do was get caught.

  Atlanta lifted up the spear, and got ready to hurl it at any Leaf Tribe guard.

  A short moment passed, and then a girl ran out of the tunnel. Atlanta couldn't catch her face, and before she could take a closer look, the girl turned towards the collapsing tunnel.

  "Stop, or I'll kill you!" Atlanta hissed. She put on her best voice to threaten people with... It sounded horrible. Too horrible for her to describe.

  Worst of all, she didn't even sound scary.

  Atlanta stepped into the sunlight, and started to circle the girl. When she faced the direction of the collapsing tunnel, she saw a little hand sticking out of the rocks. Then, dirt and rocks fell. It covered the hand and the end of the tunnel.

  'She's dangerous!' Atlanta's mind flashed. The girl was shaking in fear... but Atlanta's eyes hardly noticed as she is oblivious to everything.

  'I should probably pin her down and threaten her to tell me where Sayuri is— Is that a little bit too brutal?' Atlanta's mind raced with thoughts which regarded on how to deal with the girl.

  "Where is Sayuri?!" Atlanta demanded. "Answer me or I—I... I will kill you with this spear!"

  "A-are you Atlanta?" The girl asked. She started to calm down a bit, though she still sounded a little bit terrified.

  "What? No, I am not. How can I possibly be some former Droplet Tribe girl who was outcasted? I am not Atlanta, I am definitely not Atlanta." Atlanta lied. Startled.

  "Atlanta... why are you here?" The girl questioned.

  'Aw, I thought that she couldn't tell I lied.' Atlanta sighed. Atlanta has always sucked when it comes to lying. It was always obvious to others when she had lied. From Day 1, Atlanta has always wondered how others could be so good at telling lies.

  Others were so good at telling lies. So good that she would easily believe them. She doesn't even question them.

  "Who even are you?" Atlanta asked the girl. "Also, how did you know my name?"

   "I-I..." The girl's voice grew heavier— Almost like she was just about to cry.

  In an instant, the girl's arms were wrapped around Atlanta. Tears fell from her eyes. Onto Atlanta's shoulder.

  "I—I am so glad you're here!" She cried. When the girl said those words, Atlanta had finally figured out who she was.


  Atlanta stifled. She didn't want to cry— She didn't want to drop her act. Sometimes... acting was hard. A few tears fell from her eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold back her own tears.

  She was her friend that has been missing for two months. Atlanta has always been worrying about Sayuri. When will she return? When will she come back? Those thoughts have been haunting her mind for the past two months.

  Day 3172-

The air was humid. Grey clouds have blocked out the sun. Water trickled down the roof. I didn't need to explain how I felt. The weather outside said it all. It's been over a week since Sayuri was kidnapped. Yet, the others still couldn't come up with a way to save her.

  I honestly don't think they ever will.

  Throughout the entire afternoon, they've been bickering. Nothing else.

  I've managed to hide the spear I stole from a guard that helped in kidnapping Sayuri. I don't know how the guard dropped it — I had just ran out and found it.
I already want to smash down the door that led into the palace, and just drag Sayuri out of there. However, I can't do that.

  I can say that I want her back, but there is nothing I could do as of now.

  Now, I feel lonely again.

  Day 3193-

  A month has passed.

Guess what?

  We've got no plan of what to do. It feels almost as though everyone else has given up— I don't want to think bad about them, but I just can't help myself.

  I'm frustrated. I can't do anything.

  Like, what can some former low-ranked-Droplet-Tribe-villager-now-outcast do? Yes, I still feel lonely.

  It's just me and my diary... My diary, the only one that knows about my acting, and my constant lies. It doesn't even have a life. I wished it had one.

  I know that I suck at lying for small lies. I know that I always ponder on how someone is so good at lying. I guess I'm good at lying as well. As I have been lying for a long time.

  Day 3223-

Two months.

Two months have passed.

Still no Sayuri.

  Is she dead? I always wonder whether she is alive or dead. I can't imagine Sparrow killing her, but I can imagine Sayuri trying to run away.

  Maybe I should just go. Maybe I shouldn't.

  My mind ponders everyday on what I should do. Guess what? I can't make a decision. For me, it's honestly irritating. It's bugging me. Sometimes, I wish I could just drop the act.

I— I just can't.



Thirty minutes later...

  The two have finally caught each other up on what has happened.

  Yet... Atlanta was twisted with guilt. The amount of pain Sayuri had to go through within the last two months... It was unbelievable. Luckily, Sayuri did have Oiseau to cheer her up, but then Oiseau had lost his life saving hers.

"Let's head back now..." Atlanta mumbled, unable to think of anything else to say.

  Sayuri nodded.

  Atlanta, if she could, wanted to give Sayuri a smile. Simply, she was quite glad to know that... Sayuri is back.



Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now