15 (2/2)

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(A couple seconds later...)

  Ji-ho stood up. He curled his fist, but didn't hit anyone. Angrily, he shouted, "What's the problem with just saying my opinion!"

  "'Just saying your opinion?'" Thought retorted in a sharp, bitter tone; she heard Wisp wince.

  "Sayuri is one of us, and now she's gone. She's going to be stuck with that Sparrow for who knows how long— Probably until her death!"

  Edge watched Thought with Drought by her heels. A mixture of anger was flushed on Drought's face. They had not been that close since the start of this. Although Drought may be a spy, he would most likely be on her side on this.

   On the other hand, Edge's face reflected confusion— For both Thought and Ji-ho. Her light eyes continued to flicker from Thought's slightly bruised hand to the red mark her punch left on Ji-ho's face.

  Thought looked to Atlanta. She noticed that she still wore a smile... However, Atlanta had distanced herself away from the others. Thought could feel her pain— She knew what it was like to be separated from someone, or someones.

  "We've only been together for a few weeks. Why should I care a lot about Sayuri?" Ji-ho asked.

  A look of distress crossed Wisp. Thought turned, jolted out of her thoughts, to snap at him once again, "She's one of us— So what if we've all only been here a couple of weeks?"

  She sucked in a breath before she continued, "Do you want us all to be picked off, one by one?"

  Thought made sure to not say the last part too loudly— Incase those elders that kept them here had heard.

  'They couldn't care about what might happen to us,' She thought bitterly, 'I bet neither even heard the patrol!'

  "Do you?" Edge turned to Ji-ho; she added more pressure to Thought's question.

  Her light eyes were flushed in a complicated tone as she tilted her head at him, "Do you want us to be picked off?"

  Ji-ho clenched his jaw. "Maybe it's better." He spat.

A look of betrayal was splattered across Edge's face. She let out a gasp— Although Thought really didn't know why. It wasn't like the two were that close, at all, really.

Drought stared at her. He was just as confused as Thought. It was pretty obvious the two were together— or more or less that Edge had feelings for Drought.

  "Why?" Thought finally replied.

  She couldn't even begin to think of why he wanted them to be picked off— It was so...

"It's better to die than live as outcasts. At least Sayuri will get to live— She has Sparrow with her." Ji-ho added.

  Thought closed her eyes as she thought of some response. He was right— Sayuri wasn't going to be killed while she was with Sparrow.

  Still, she didn't like to think of what that prince might do to her. He must've... been into her for awhile if Prince Sparrow wanted to "save" her so badly. Just the thought of him and her together made Thought nauseous.

  'How will we even save her?' A corner of her mind whispered. Quickly, she was devoured by thoughts fueled with anger.

  This whole situation was effecting Sayuri and herself the most. That puff-headed boy probably would not care at all for what will happen to Sayuri.
—He was just so...







—Very, very boring.

  Bah! Thought could think of infinite things to call him. However, the rather polite knock snapped Thought out of her thoughts. She snapped her head towards the hidden door.

  Now that she looked at it, the door was quite pretty— That was besides the point. They didn't even seem to care about Sayuri... or notice that she was gone.

  Acacia's eyes scanned the room. The elderly woman probably couldn't see that far. Her eyes, now trapped within new, bright glasses were fixated on Thought. Most likely because she was the primary candidate for the noise— but that was besides the point.


Again, another shorter blip of a chapter

Chapter Sixteen should be out as you're reading this!

Have a great day/night!!


Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now