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Sayuri's eyes fluttered open. 'Wha-Where am I?' She thought at once. This room was nothing like the one at Acacia's and Aspen's house. It decorated, really neat, and huge.

  Large curtains wavered around in the breeze beside huge windows. They seemed to overlook the more-urban part of Leaf Tribe; like where Rustic was from. Walls painted in a minty green covered all sides, added with many vines and other plants that just sprawled across the room. A large, beige, tipi-like wave covered her bed. A dresser, the same color as the tipi-like structure, lay across from her bed. A large mirror was placed on top of it.

  She peered closely at herself, before she noticed that another person was here with her.

  A little boy with a happy tinge of yellow, freckles that covered his face, round green eyes, and fluffed-out brunette hair suddenly popped out from beside her, "Hey!" He chirped.

  "I'm Oiseau! I'm your number one servant!" The boy grinned.

  He looked about seven or eight. Since when did kids work?— Much less be a servant at that!

  "Basically every royal has a personal servant," He continued; his eyes trailed to the ceiling as he recalled memories with a joyful expression.

  "My two older sisters, Rêvée and Fuite —Rêvée is the oldest— They both serve Prince Sparrow's sister, Princess Petal," Oiseau said in a chirp.

  "Why are you talking about the royal family?" Sayuri asked with a confused expression.

  'And stop mentioning Sparrow— Please. I'm going to die.'

  A confused expression crossed Oiseau's face, "Don't you know?" He asked with a head-tilt.

"Know what?" Sayuri hardly got what was going on. Her most recent memory was just bringing Wisp outside... for a reason of which she has forgotten.

  "You're gonna be our next Queen!" He said with a wide grin, "You're like, apart of the royal family now— Although I dunno how Bloom and Blossom feel. They don't like this thingy: 'age-difference' or something along the lines," Oiseau said the last part with a small laugh.

"H-huh? What?! I'm not fit to be Queen. Besides, I loathe—I mean that I'm not in love with anybody in the royal family." Sayuri blabbered; quite startled.

  'I shouldn't say out loud that I loathe that freak.' Her mind murmured.

  Oiseau sighed, "What does loath mean?" He asked himself.

  He, then, turned back to her, "Don't you know?" He said again, "Prince Sparrow, the heir to the throne, has saved you and brought you here!"

  Oiseau seemed to innocent— He was just some little kid. Did he even really know Sparrow?

  'I guess that in others eyes, Sparrow has saved me. Makes sense, he's the oh-so perfect-looking hot guy that everyone wants. Plus, his status is high. For me... he has only made my life worse.' Sayuri let out a small sigh.

  She'd rather be an outcast than the wife of some... some jerk. Right now, all Sayuri could do it follow along with what Sparrow wants.

  "How long have I been out?" Sayuri asked, hoping for news of her not being out for too long.

  'Did Sparrow march through the hall as he proclaimed that he brought his Queen back?' She also wanted to ask, since that seemed like a very Sparrow-like thing.

  "Oh, almost two days," Oiseau said; completely unfazed.

  "Don't worry though," He added with another bright smile, "We've been taking care of you— Well, mostly me," He boasted at the statement, "because, you know, I'm your personal servant. I really like the 'number-one servant' thingy better, though," The boy rambled off.

Shock covered Sayuri at once. 'Two days!? I was out for two days?!' Sayuri could imagine the others as they tried to devise a plan to save her in the past two days she has been apparently out— Hopefully, they were done by now. She didn't want to spend another minute here, with the threat of Sparrow as it looked overhead.

"Are you sure I was out for two days?" Sayuri asked him. She could hardly believe it. "Did Sparrow hit me that hard?"

  "Yup! I think there's still a mark from it," He chuckled.

  After a minute of silence, he added, "You can check if you want,"

  "Oh... okay." Sayuri replied awkwardly.

  There was a slight bump on the back of her head. It was still quite painful, but someone had obviously given her something. It was subdued slightly.


  Oiseau grasped her hand as he pulled her out of the room. His laughter seemed to bounce off of the walls; he seemed quite eager to show Sayuri the castle.

  Oiseau would 𝓃ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓇 stop blabbering on and on about how Sayuri was a princess now— Or Sparrow, for that matter.
He even referred to her as: Princess Sayuri.

  "Come on!" He chirped, "I've gotta give you a tour!"

  Sayuri tried to fake a smile— However, it didn't go quite as well as she thought it would go.

  An even wider smile took place on his face, "I just bet that you haven't seen a kitchen as glorious as ours, with every type of food you could every want."

  Oiseau did it again. He began to ramble, yet again. "Oooh, and I could practically fall asleep on the couches in the living room— Although I'm not allowed to sit on them because I'm a 'dirty slave'," He pouted at the last sentence.

  A darker green than the walls in her room covered the ceiling and walls here, in the hallway. The floors were crafted and carefully carved by an expert's hand. It took on a slightly lighter tone, but was for sure darker before it was carved into... rather beautiful different patterns.

  The hallway was long, but also wide. A couple tables displayed different types of plants or trophies. Along the hallway, there were many self-portraits of every ruler: present, past, and future. Sparrow's sat right in front of her.

  "Oh! Who's that?" Sayuri pointed to the portrait the furthest away from Sparrow. She was trying to ignore the large, painted version of Sparrow.

  Oiseau, for one, didn't immediately have a response. He leaned against a wall as thoughts raced across him. He looked stumped.

  "Uhm... I dunno," He admitted after another minute.

  "Fenêtre!" Oiseau called to a rather strange-looking Leaf Tribe maid— Maybe a hybrid —He continued, "Who is that?"

  The 'Fenêtre' ruffled Oiseau's hair and almost dropped her broom. "That guy?" She asked as she pointed at the man Sayuri had pointed at.

  "Yup." He replied in a dull tone.

  'Fenêtre' laughed, "I don't know why you want to know about him, but that's Feuille. He was a king a few centuries back, and did absolutely nothing." With that, she turned to look at Sayuri, before she sauntered off.

  "That's... interesting." Sayuri found herself in an awkward position.

  Oiseau nodded, "I kinda remember now. I had to take a test on the rulers awhile back. Feuille was, like, the only ruler to have a name from one of the many ancient-languages. Besides that, he's kinda bland."

  "Anyways," He continued, "I wanna show you the kitchen. The living room is on the way."

  He skipped down the halls, with Sayuri's hand clutched in his smaller version.


I hope you enjoy the introduction to our new characters!

More are to come, but Oiseau will basically always be at Sayuri's side

Hopefully this was a good opening chapter /outline for the next couple chapters here

As always, have an amazing rest of your day/ night!!


Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now