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(A few seconds later...)

  "Princess Sayuri." Sparrow cooed. He pushed Sayuri's plate aside. "We mustn't eat from separate plates. We will share this plate."

  Sayuri was utterly disgusted at Sparrow's idea. As much as she wanted to shove Sparrow's face away, she just couldn't.

'Maybe I should just... Never mind. What am I thinking?' Sayuri shook her head. She rid herself of those thoughts.

  Petal smiled at her brother's act. To her... and this place... Maybe this gesture meant something sweet? It was most likely to impress the parents.

  Across the room, Rêvée cocked her head from where she stood. She was the only sibling of the three — or the only other sibling Oiseau had mentioned — in this room. Her cold, stone-like features never seemed to change.

  However, Rêvée strode over from her group along the wall. Murmurs from, well, what must've been her friends, trailed after her. She shook her head. Her cold eyes glazed to the entrance, and probably to Fuite and Oiseau.

  Although she didn't seem to be the best older sister, she must've at least cared, right?

  Anyways, Rêvée continued her walk. Bloom immediately turned to face her. Rêvée whispered something in the queen's ear.

  Bloom turned to the rest of the table, but mainly Sparrow. "Isn't that a little... Unnecessary?" She tilted her head, but still kept a smile.

  "Oh no, it's fine!" Sparrow reassured her. "Princess Sayuri loves my ideas!"

  Bloom and Rêvée, who still stood beside the queen, turned to Sayuri.

  "Does she?" Rêvée asked. Her icy eyes burrowed their way to her.

  Sparrow spoke for her once again, "Of course she does! She loves me!"

  Sayuri did a small eye roll. 'I can't handle this guy..'

  "No, I want the princess to speak," Rêvée urged.

  "Maybe it's time for you to head back—" Bloom began, but was interrupted.

  "I want to hear her opinion. I am an advisor for the royals after all," She stated blankly.

  "Oh, you want to listen to her speak..." Sparrow turned to Sayuri, and whispered into her ear, "Come on, you know what to say, my love."

  "I'm fine..." Sayuri mumbled awkwardly.

  Although she didn't want to make the situation awkward, she did. She couldn't imagine the reactions of others if they heard her say something negative about Sparrow...

  "Hm," Rêvée snorted, before Bloom finally was able to dismiss her with a flick of her hand.

  "We hope you like it here!" Petal grinned.

  "She loves it here!" Sparrow proclaimed. "Because I'm here! She wouldn't enjoy her time here without me."

  Petal smiled wider, "Great! You're such a great brother, AND, husband — Er, boyfriend thingy."

  "Also, I just love the plate-idea," She added happily.

  "Of course you do." Sparrow grinned, "It's a great idea. You should use it when you get a boyfriend."

  "Oh!" Her eyes grew bright, and she sighed dreamily, "I just can't wait until I find the live of my life,"

  'Your fiancé might not like it.' Sayuri thought. She eyed Sparrow.

  "Ooh! Dinner!" Bloom smiled as a servant set down steaming pots in front of them.

  They mainly consisted of different greens. Some held animals. Huh... Leaf Tribe weren't ever that big of a meat-eater.

"What would you like Sayuri?" Sparrow asked her. "Also we'll be sharing a fork and a spoon as well. We'll also be sharing the same drink..."

  Someone scowled, while others sighed in the same dreamy tone Petal had used. A couple clanks from guards' metal boots shuffled around. No one was taken, this time.

  "I'm not hungry." Sayuri told Sparrow.

  Sayuri didn't want to eat with Sparrow like this— Sitting with Sparrow is bad on its own already.

Sparrow looked disappointed. "Oh okay..."

  Sparrow turned to Sayuri, and put his hand on her back. He pulled her closer, and ran his hand down her back. Sparrow pressed his other hand on Sayuri's lips.

  "Wow, I'm surprised that no one has kissed this before. Want to kiss, Sayuri?"

  A couple of cheers came from the entrance. Petal definitely looked thrilled. The parents... Well, yeah.

  "Ew!" A child; younger than Oiseau cried.

  Suddenly, those clanks resumed their clanks that echoed down the hallway. Soft murmuring came from the hallway. Maybe the kid's mom? Either way, the guard snatched the small girl. She thrashed, to no avail, in his arms.

  Gone. Just like that.

  "Kiss! Kiss!" Petal cheered from her seat.

  The little girl's cries still echoed down the hallway. However, it had no effect on the mood of the dinner.

  Sayuri pushed Sparrow away. "Not right now..."

  'I don't ever want to kiss you...' Sayuri frowned for a second. The thought of it was disgusting. She would rather die than touch Sparrow.


  The plates were practically clean when everyone had finished. Bloom and Blossom only mumbled a couple words back and forth. The two seemed disappointed. They, then, set Petal off to bed.

  The loud scampering of their audience was enough to make one laugh. It was pretty obvious that they were there. Were they forced to come, or did they just come here for fun?

  "Come on, Princess Sayuri!" Oiseau called her away before anything else could happen, "Let's get ready for bed,"


If you even remotely like this Sparrow guy, I'll come after you


Anywho, as always, have an amazing rest of your day/ night!


Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now