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(A couple minutes later...)

"So... What's your favorite food? What's your favorite flower? Whats your favorite color? Ooh, ooh! —What's you favorite animal?" Oiseau bombarded Sayuri with questions as they practically raced down the hallway.

He seemed to imply that she didn't have to answer every question. The little guy was so jittery and excited to have someone to hang out with. He probably didn't have many friends —Since he was a servant, and all.

Sayuri tried to keep up with a many questions as possible. "Um... my favorite flower is lilacs. Uh.. my favorite color is purple. Uh...." Sayuri's voice trailed off as Oiseau continued to ask questions.

Oiseau seemed to have forgotten about the other questions, "I love purple!" He squealed.

Without waiting for her response, Oiseau squealed again, "Oh! There's the trophy room!"

"Although, I can't go in it because I'm not a maid here to clean, and just a dirty servant," He added in a lower tone.

A large room sat, sprawled in front of them. There were walls and shelves stacked with medals and trophies. It shimmered with a golden look.

A long table with chairs sat on each side was placed in the middle. It showed that maybe this room held more than just to show off their trophies, ribbons, and medals. Maybe a meeting room?

"Why are you a servant at such a young age?" Sayuri asked Oiseau. The little kid wasn't even 10– Why was he already a servant for the royals?

His eyes drifted to the floor, and away from the glittering prizes. "Oh, uhm..." He hesitated; an indescribable look crossed his face.

"Just needed extra money," He mumbled after a minute.

"Huh; okay." Sayuri said, expecting some other answer.

The young boy quickly shook his head, "Anyways, back to being your: Number-One-Servant-For-Our-Future-Queen!" The boy's usual happiness to have a friend settled back on his face.

"Why don't you go check it out?" Oiseau cocked his head, "I can't go in there, 'cause you know, servant-stuff," He laughed.

"Hm..." Sayuri thought for a moment.

'Maybe in there I could find a way to escape.' She was desperate to escape, and this might have something.

"I'll just check it out really quick." Sayuri replied simply.

Oiseau nodded quickly. He smiled again— This time there was a glint in his eye. Curiosity. Of course, whenever one is told to not do something, that is the first thing they want to do.

Sayuri took a few steps into the room. Her eyes quickly scanned the room. She looked for anything to help her escape.

Instead of finding an escape tool, Sayuri found tons of trophies with the name "Sparrow" engraved in them. It was horrifying.

Sayuri's gaze quickly shifted to the other side of the room, since apparently one half was full of Sparrow stuff. She continued to scan the area. Her eye caught something in the far corner of the room.

Sayuri moved closer to it, until she got a better view. The thing was a shovel. A tool that might help her escape.

Sayuri kept note of the shovel in her mind. Then, she exited the half-Sparrow-infested room.

Oiseau, who was plopped on the ground, looked up to Sayuri, "Cool, right?" He asked.

'No it's not cool. The amount of Sparrows is terrifying.' Sayuri's mind replied.

Out loud, she said, "It's really cool. I didn't know Sparrow had so many trophies!"

As Sayuri said those words, she tried to not put on a disgusted face.

"Yeah—" He began, but soon cut himself off to turn to a completely new topic.

"I forgot! The kitchen! Oh, oh, Princess Sayuri, the food there is awesome!" He squeaked with excitement, before he quickly grasped her hand yet again.

"Come on!"


Oiseau hopped up and down furiously on the marble floor. The sweet scent of frosting and sweets wafted to the two.

While they were waiting for someone to let them into the kitchen, Oiseau happily described it. Sure, maybe it was a little over-exaggerate. However, didn't really matter though.

"The ceilings seem to touch the sky, and there's these little fairy-lights just dancing around the walls. A couple windows are so, so colorful like those religious-buildings in Breeze Tribe. It's like they bring rainbows down to us." Oiseau began his rant.

"Oh, and the best part. The food there! It's to die for. —Well, that's a lie." He paused for a second, "The people there are some of the nicest that you'll ever meet!"

"What about us being 'some of the nicest people you'll ever meet' ?" Someone asked; it caused Oiseau to jump for a minute.

"Basil!" He quickly hugged the man; who looked like he could be in his 60s.

This "Basil" let out a laugh, before he turned to Sayuri. He did a small bow. "Welcome, Princess Sayuri, and Oiseau. Why don't you both come on inside?"


Basil pulled a chair for Oiseau and Sayuri. He ushered them both to sit down. The man then left to go talk to some of the bakers and chefs.

Oiseau turned to Sayuri with a smile wider than before. He began to point at some of the others in this room. He labeled them as his friends.

"That one's Betel, and that one's Rosemary. Ooh, and that one over there is Hawthorn, but she can be a little... much. Oh, and you can't forget about Rowan, Elm, and Buckeye." He ranted, yet again, as he listed off their names.

Basil made his way back around to Sayuri, "Hm... What's your favorite type of cake?"

"Erm... I don't have a favorite type of cake." Sayuri said in response. Though, truthfully, Sayuri didn't even know what cake was. She has never seen one before.

"Eh? You don't have a favorite?" He fake-gasped. "Ah, I'll just make one of the classics."

The two waited a couple of minutes for the cake. After the time was up, Basil whisked it to them. A chocolaty oval was placed in front of them.

Basil placed two plates with forks and napkins in front of them. Just as Oiseau began to dig into the... What was probably a cake, someone called out to Sayuri.

"Princess Sayuri!"



Kinda tired and don't really know what to say, other than to stay tuned

Also, to have an amazing rest of your day/ night :D



So sorry about the wait for chapter 20!

Tbh, I'm not 100% sure when it'll come out, but don't expect to wait too much longer, because Ripple is coming to the US for 2-3 weeks!!

Also, the chapter will come in a clump, with another chapter or two connected with it :D

Forgotten Truths (1st book in Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now