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Thought's loud steps trailed behind her and Wisp, her younger sister. One of her many siblings— however Wisp was also the second oldest. Wisp somehow still managed to tower over Thought— who stood at 3'10 feet tall.

  Wisp was everything Thought wasn't. She was considered "more pure" by Breeze Territory standards, smarter, and was always favored by their parents before... well, Thought got her and her siblings out.

  Thought had short light grey hair with deep brown eyes. She was quite small compared to everyone else in her family, although she is the oldest. Wisp, however, is much taller, and quite frankly, prettier. —But Wisp was just so... air-headed.

  Sometimes it still felt like Wisp was 8, even though Wisp's older now, 'And I'm 15 now,' She thought with a sigh.

  Now Thought had gotten them both back into their society's corrupt ways. She had gotten each one of her little siblings to safety away from their parents with Moose, and now she messed it all up by gathering food too close to Breeze Territory guards.

  As if Wisp could sense Thought's thoughts, she nudged her arm, "I'm sure everything will be awesome!" She chirped with a wide smile.

  Thought nodded. One of the guards nudged them forwarded with the tip of his sword. She gasped— Tall buildings almost as tall as Breeze Territory mountains and crowds of trainers, guards, and kids were all huddled in the middle.

  Blossom and Bloom sat on a balcony above. The two Leaf Tribe rulers were eyeing the kids in the crowd below.

  "Group 7125 - B6," one of the guards— that ranked of garlic —barked before shoving the two into a group of kids around their age.

  'Was this always this chaotic?' She thought with a huff; Thought remembered one of the elders saying that Ability Testing was a wonderful experience.

  Suddenly, Blossom called for silence. She flicked her ear— A sign she was clearly annoyed.

  The Leaf Tribe leader shouted some things out at the crowd— Thought wasn't listening. She examined each person around her: A boy about Wisp's age, messy hair, horns, doe-like features a bit like Moose, Leaf Tribe. A name tag around his neck said his name was Rustic.

  Her eyes trailed over to two similar Droplet Tribe villagers— a boney girl that carried a diary with a name tag that read: Atlanta. She only had one dot under her eyes. 'Another lower rank,' Thought made note.

  An older boy— probably 2 years older than "Atlanta," also from Droplet Tribe. He had four dots under his eyes— Thought shook her head, Drought? The prince? Here? The tall figure had sleek hair and a tall posture that screamed for attention.

  A shard of what must've been a crown hung loosely around his neck. Thought could only imagine what must've happened— not that she cared. He was related to Current, the man who was originally apart of the group that killed off "mismatches" —Kids with the wrong ability.

Another boy, about her age, with a tag around his neck that read Ji-ho. He was playing with something in his hands. He seemed like quite the friendly Flame Tribe villager, as they all were— However something rather dark glinted in his eyes.

  Thought hardly noticed that Wisp and herself had tags around their necks as well. It felt like they were being treated like livestock. This was anything but a "wonderful experience."

  One of the guards, the one that ranked off garlic, hit her heel. Thought winced slightly before whipping around to make sure no one noticed it. Everyone was moving forward.

  As they moved closer to Blossom and Bloom, Thought got a better look at the figures behind them. Petal seemed to be taking a nap. Her older brother, Sparrow, a rather handsome man— but such a jerk stared at one of the girls apart of 'Group 7125 - B6.' Their group.

  The girl he wouldn't stop looking at was a rather beautiful girl that made Wisp look like a piece of dirt. Her tag read: "Sayuri." She, too, was apart of Leaf Tribe like Sparrow. Sparrow was a grown man, while Sayuri looked just a little older than Thought. She didn't seem to notice the man's stare, and had a rather peaceful expression on her face.

  The hum of the crowd seemed to have upset Bloom, "Silence!" She called out.



That was a boring chapter. I promise you they will not all be like this

Uh, hope you're enjoying the book so far!

Have an amazing day/night <33


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