Message 1: David 28/7/4876

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Hey, family.

It's uh. It's me. Your good old son/brother David. I know... it's been a month since I... kind of... just left. Well um, I'm gonna tell you what happened since then.

(And I'm giving them titles because why not?)

Elriss and the Lady:

Along the trail to the Mountains of Rain, I made it to a lone village, nestled in between a river, a forest, and the foothills of the Mountains of Rain.

I headed in expecting surprise from the locals. There was none. Eventually I overheard a conversation about how many visitors they get.

When I found the Inn it was massive. And so many rooms. Three or four stories tall. I must've been staring at my feet to not have noticed it. Only the rich people of this village even have two story houses.

Eventually I got into the Inn and saw the massive dining area I got into the long line for food and service. There were Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Demonspawn, Orcs, and even a Dragonborn.

I came up to the counter and the person at the counter looked and I think I noticed a look of relief to see an adventurer who was a human and not with a powerful weapon or arcane abilities.

Then eyed me and asked, "You a new adventurer?"

I heard an irritated growl behind me.

"Uh, yes, I just started a month ago." I answered hesitantly. Then requested, "could we cut to the chase. I'm tired."

The person behind the counter sighed and started, "Name first and last."

"Uh, David Enzo."

"How much luggage?"

"Just my bag."

"Alrighty for regular rooms that'll be 65 coin, but if you want a premium that'll be 95 coin."

"I'll just take a regular room." I replied putting 65 coin on the counter. "Is it possible to get food to my room?"

"No David. Any and all food we have or make will stay in the kitchen and dining room. You can go buy your food over at the food counter." responded the person behind the counter. "We're not making the same mistake again."

Then they pulled out some keys and placed them on the desk. "Your room number is 214."

"Thanks." I said tentatively, wondering what mistake involved the food.

I then went and ordered food. And sat down in a small booth. I then looked over and saw a map on the wall. It was large and showed the entire Land of Valeye. Then I spotted the 'you are here' sign and I could see why this town had a lot of visitors. 4 major paths passed near here. The town's name was Delcore. Then I looked at the dozens of arrows around the border of the map, To Jeluth, To Willgra, to Maelie.

I remembered the stories I was told when I was little. How this universe stretched on for infinity. You could go as far as your feet could take you and find more lands. You could hammer away to the darkest depths and yet find even deeper and darker caverns. You could fly past the stars and find more. There were so many realms you could visit that even after a hundred years they would all have surprises.

Then someone cleared their throat.

Startled, I looked up and saw a Wild Spirit. One who's spirit originates from the wild but has the form of a human. (You're welcome for the explanation, Rydel)

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