Message 6: Elriss 9/8/4876

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Message 6: Elriss 9/8/4876


So, uh remember Alishel and their Flying Ship I told you about last Letter? Well basically we found a Metal source. A Metal Gryphon that attacked us. Alishel killed it. But whatever they did seemed to knock them out. Whatever they did to make the Killing attack seemed to make the ship unresponsive to the command panel.

Well now I'm on a flying ship 20 kilometers above the ground, and unless Alishel wakes. I'm afraid it might lose power and fall.

Iris Arcadia:

I walked under the Deck. The Ship was sturdily staying in place. I came into the place where we put Alishel. Turns out Keli can help heal a robot. I came in to see him mending Alishel's supposed 'spine'.

"How are you capable of that?" I mused.

"Alishel's anatomy is very similar'eth to those of the main'eth species. Just hath a lot of extra systems and tools attached'eth. But I'm not doing'eth all the work. Alishel's body seems to be mending'eth thyself, I'm just speeding it up." Keli said.

David took Keli's place maintaining the systems and always checked the panels nervously. I decided to go back to the Deck.

I looked at the Main panel. There was a piece of metal out of place revealing wiring and a lot of things I don't understand.

Then I looked at the broken mast. That I did understand. I walked over to the mast and casted a spell. The wood regrew and became stronger.

I then went back to the main panel. I started knocking and examining it. Then I saw a small lever on the side. Curiously I turned the lever and then out popped something near the top of the control panel and hit me in the head. I backed up, rubbing my hand against my head. "Alishel, why most you have painful secrets?"

I stood up and saw some kind of screen popped up on the control panel too. The thing that hit me was a keyboard like what you would see on a typewriter.

The screen then lit up with a box, a blinking line, and the words saying Please enter password.

I looked at the keyboard and saw a note near it. Written in suspiciously neat handwriting. Possible passwords: My Name + Home Station Name.

I looked at the computer screen and keyboard. I then put my hands on it and typed: Alishel.


Then I thought back to when Alishel first introduced himself. What was it? With a little magic I remembered. Then I put my hands on the keyboard and typed: AL15-SHL88907-IP6324.

It paused for a moment then with a quick rotating circle a second box appeared asking for Second Password.

I looked at the second line in Alishel's note. I did not know his home station's name. Now Ilana I know what you would say, stop snooping leave it be. Now you know me. I did the exact opposite.

I kept trying other names. All failed. Eventually it said. Intruder recognised.

Then a picture of Alishel showed up and then I felt an electrical shock run through my veins. Then I fell to the floor.

A few hours later Alishel came up and looked at me.

"You were as the saying goes, 'sticking your nose where it doesn't belong'." Alishel said.

"I was." I admitted.

"I would've considered this a betrayal, but you did help fight against the Metal Gryphon, and you were bored. Quite the intriguing emotion, Boredom." Alishel stated.

Suddenly I could move again. "Thanks."

Alishel nodded, "I should thank you. You took care of me and the ship when I shut down. I was expecting you to do something more devious. But now I have the Metal Griffon for parts."

Alishel then started moving the keyboard and screen back in.

I then commented, "I was a bit worried about the Ship running out of power and falling to our deaths."

"You don't need to worry about that. When I fell from the sky the impact killed a nearby Wizard. They dropped a seemingly infinite power source. I use that to power this ship. But now I can repurpose the Metal Gryphon." Alishel started to start the ship up again.

"INFINITE?" I asked in shock.

Alishel then clarified. "Not infinite, it has a certain amount of available energy at a time but will regenerate its lost energy.

"Speaking'eth of thou ship. Should'eth thy name'eth." Keli said.

Alishel seemed to consider it. "I never have thought about it. You can name it if you want."

David and I went back to their stations and discussed with Keli the name for the New ship.

"Why would we call it Angelwing?" David asked, "That's just named after you Angelbournes!"

"Well it's better than thou's Rocket Blast." Keli stated.

"Maybe the Iris?" I suggested.

"I like it but it's a bit off." David commented.

"What'eth about Arcadia?" Keli recommended.

"Iris...Arcadia. Yeah... I like it. Iris Arcadia." David mused.

"Any one against it." I asked.

No one said anything.

"Well I guess it's official, this is the Iris Arcadia."

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