Diary Entry 8: Ralida 18/8/4876

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Today is is the Eighteenth of Mel

Today I met David and Elriss again, along with some new companions of theirs, Keli, and Alishel. Now I'm making a title because I saw the others doing it and I liked it. Or just explaining what happened.

The Quitting Fire

I quickly dashed through the houses of Evergreen Crest. Invisible I looked around and came to the tallest building. I climbed up the building and saw the Draven crow. I handed it my message. Then nestled in between its protected feathers of secrets.

Was a small paper that the Crow nudged out. Meant for me. I took it and read it.

Draven Ranger: Ralida Loharo

Your services to the Draven Order are no longer needed. Due to your immense knowledge of the Draven Order. We cannot have you roaming free. You are scheduled to the Quitting Fire, do not try to escape, you know how futile that would be.

Draven Order Official

I stared in shock. The Invisibility washed away with my focus. How could this happen to me? I had done everything for the Draven Order. The Quitting Fire.

I would forget everything. Never being able to remember who I was. Why would she face the Quitting Fire? But if I fled... she would meet many fates worse than the Quitting Fire.

I climbed down, found a bench and sat down. Using my cloak to wrap myself as the rain poured down. Splattering my cloak.

I felt a small tear go down my cheek. But it would be fine. This is in service of the Draven Order. I swore to serve. I sat up and straightened myself. This would be fine.

I'd just continued like always. I'd survive. Without my memories, without my life. Restarted as someone on the side of some town. Where no one knew me. They would not care. They would show no appreciation. Just...nothing.

No, I would stay strong. This would be fine. Just... fine.

I stayed in place on the bench as people passed by. Waiting for the Draven to arrive.

Eventually a metal humanoid creature walked around a corner. Then an Iliar-Harpy after the metal creature. Then there was David, and Elriss, who I met over two weeks ago.

I heard the voice of David talking to the Iliar-Harpy say, "Keli you're really good with cutlass, just you still seem to tilt it a little more to the left..."

Elriss and David noticed me.

"Uh... Elriss is that who I think it is?"

"Yep." Elriss murmured.

I didn't move.

"Mind giving us Introductions?" The Metal Creature asked.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea." David said, starting to avoid me.

"Is she a Draven'eth Ranger?" Iliar-Harpy asked.

"Yes. Which is why we should avoid her." David fiercely whispered.

"I'm going forth to do a stupid'eth idea." The Iliar-Harpy stated.

"Keli..." David warned.

The Iliar-Harpy slowly approached. Then reached out, in a moment lightning fast my hand grabbed the so-called 'Keli's arm and I did a slow turn of the head to intimidate her.

"KELI! Goddamnit, what did I tell you!" David yelled.

"Thy didn't'eth tell me anything. Thou just spoke'eth my name!" Keli replied trying to break my Iron grip but to no avail.

"Let me ask you 'Keli'. Why would you approach me?" I asked slowly and intimidatingly.

"Uh... to have'eth a friendly conversation with thou?" Keli squeaked.

I sat up.

Then she brought out a metal spatula and smacked my arm. When I loosened due to the surprise and pain Keli ran and yelled, "Thou'll never catch'eth me alive!"

"Keli, why do you have a Spatula!?" Elriss shouted to Keli.

"To whack people!"

"That's not what they are meant to do!?"

"So? I can still whack people with it!"

I sat back down thinking it wasn't worth it.

This time David approached but from a place where I could clearly see him, "Uh Miss Loharo, I am so sorry for my companions behavior-"

"Go fuck youself." I told David icily.

David took that cue to leave, and when he left, he left running.

There was some shuffling of paper and metal near me. Then someone questioned, "What is the Quitting Fire?"

I whipped around seeing the Metal Creature holding the Message she received. She must've dropped it.

"None of your business." I threatened trying to grab the message. The Metal Creature took a few steps back.

"Listen here I am a Draven Ranger, you will hand me that message this instant!" I made myself look looming over the Metal Creature.

"According to this note, you are no longer a Draven Ranger, it also says that they cannot have you roaming free with your immense knowledge of the Draven Order. Does the Quitting Fire somehow wipe your memories?" The Metal Creature mused.

"You son of a bitch." I cursed. Drawing my longbow.

The Townsfolk began to flee the nearby area.

"Hey... Alishel, this might not be the best thing to do." David told the Metal Creature.

I shot my arrow. Alishel lifted a hand and knocked it aside.

"Quite an accurate shot. If I had not deflected that, it probably would've pierced my outer shell." Alishel complimented.

I drew another arrow, "Don't try to flatter yourself out of punishment, metal monster."

"I think you fear who you work for more than anyone." Alishel stated.

"Wise ass." I figured it'd be pointless.

I sat back down, and muttered to the crew, "Fuck off."

"Okay Alishel, let's get back to the Iris Arcadia." David ordered.

I sat down right where I am.

But before those people left. Another presence entered the area.

"Hello Ranger Suga." I muttered.

The Invisibility washed away, "Well hello Ex-ranger Loharo. I just came early to make sure you aren't trying anything funny." Ranger Suga looked at the group behind me. "Your memories shall be purged and you shall be placed near some nice little town perhaps this one. I hope you won't try to fight it."

"Of course not, all for the Draven Order." I looked down.

"For the Draven Order."

Ranger Suga whisked away like the wind.

"That sounds horrible. Why would you agree to something like that?" Elriss asked me.

I shifted away in my seat.

"Don't thou get'eth a choice?" Keli asked.

"How I wish I did." I whispered. My head went low with a small tear falling out.

The crew of the Iris Arcadia looked at each other, and without talking they all nodded at each other.

Somehow I knew too that they were going to fight the Draven Order

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