Message 12: 31/8/4876

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So... uh now that we are stuck in the City-State of Heowin, we're trying to find a mercenary mission. But, uh. Since we're not members of the Heowin Mercenary Guild, we have trouble finding a job. But today we did!

As Silent as Day:

"How deep in debt are we right now?" Asked Ralida as they were in the middle of the ship.

"Around 800 Coin." Elriss sighed.

"We still have to get thousands of Coin to fix the ship." David sighed.

"We need'eth a job." I commented.

"You don't need to repeat what we've been saying for the past fucking week." Ralida replied.

"No need'eth to be a Jerk'eth." I lazily argumented.

Ralida quickly pinned me to the ground, "Listen here, you will not-"

"Ralida! You listen here, stop harassing Keli." David yelled.

Ralida whipped around and growled, " You understand me?"

David shuffled back a bit back but stood his ground.

Alishel came in and everyone loosened. "I have found a job for you all to complete, the specifics are in this paper." They put the paper down. Before Alishel left the room they said, "Don't kill each other." Then they left.

When Ralida released me I was relieved we went to the paper Alishel had left. The others were a bit confused by all the advanced wording.

"Wh-what? Is that even a word?" David muttered.

I sighed and took the paper and quickly simplified it, "There's a league'eth of Thieves stealing from'eth the town, in broad'eth daylight, they need'eth us to stop them."

Everyone looked at me with surprise. "How can you read all of that?"

"This is when'eth thousands hours of language class'eth comes in handy. I was trained'eth to be involved'eth in legal activities, of course I can read'eth it." I explained, still being a bit sour after Ralida threatened me.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" David asked.

A few hours later...

"So what do they do?" Elriss asked the Captain of the Guards.

"They do it in broad daylight. But are extremely silent. No one can hear them at all. We can see them, but not hear them. It is extremely effective. We've lost about 48,000 Coin in total to them. All other Mercenaries haven't caught them yet." The Captain explained. "I don't expect the crew of the infamous Iris Arcadia will either."

"It was not our fault the Outpost blew up." Elriss told the Captain blandly.

"I've heard rumors you helped blow it up." The Captain looked at their paperwork.

"I assure'eth thou tis nothing but'eth propaganda." I told the Captain.

"Well have a crack at it, for every thief you catch we'll pay you 600 Coin. If you kill them you only receive 100 Coin." The Captain sighed and went back to work.

We all nodded and began to search around the town.

Eventually we decided to split into teams, David and Elriss, and Me and Ralida. As soon as David and Elriss were out of sight Ralida jumped onto the roofs and disappeared. Leaving me alone.

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