Message 2: Elriss 32/7/4876

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Hello Ilana

It's me, Elriss. You know me. I know it's been two months since we last saw each other. But there's been a delay. You see I was at a Town Inn. A fight happened and the town's goddess stepped and stopped it and decided to stay. Then they were murdered, don't worry about me, I'm fine.

But it was experience. The reason I can't leave is because there was an arrow wound in her back with no arrow in sight. So they're interrogating everyone there. And we can't leave the Inn.

It's not all bad though I met a young man named David and before you think it. He's still clearly under the age of twenty-four. I am twenty-eight. I am not a small youngling.

I enjoy his company. It's one of the few things that's keeping things enjoyable while trapped in the Inn.

But let's start the story of what happened today.

(I'm borrowing an Idea from David about using titles.)

The Rangers Duty:

I woke up on a miserable morning. The clouds were gray. I could tell from the air that it would Rain soon. No doubt coming from the Mountains of Rain.

I mean seriously why won't they let me out when the rain falls. It is quite the lovely sensation.

I was miserable. Looking out the window. Arms crossed and head on them at a table.

Then I heard a knock on the door. I stood up with a sigh and opened it to find David with some food.

He seems to be more comfortable around me.

"Hi, I got the food you like." David said, holding out the plate.

"Why thank you." I responded by taking the plate. I saw his curious gaze looking around at my room. "Well come on in if you want." I gestured to my room.

David came in hesitantly but shut the door behind him and sat at the table while I ate.

I caught him staring at the book, Beyond Valeye.

I came a little closer to him and whispered, "Whatcha lookin' at."

David yelped, jumped a little then calmed down when I chuckled. He gave me a slightly playful swat and said, "Don't do that."

I just gave my famous mischievous grin.

David groaned, "Well I was looking at your book Beyond Valeye. I-it seemed interesting and..."

"Interested with lands and skies and realms beyond. You can read if you want. I have no interest in it whatsoever. I'm bringing it back for one of the people in my community." (Yes that's you Ilana)

David smiled and eagerly started reading. He lifted the hefty book on to his lap and a page in he gasped. "It takes a year to get to any of the closest lands by sailing even when you start at the outermost"

"Huh... I guess that explains why it's so rare for land to intermingle. In all my lifetime I've yet to see someone not born in Valeye. Or any of its closest realms." I responded.

David then started, "Yeah it's weir......"

There was a sound. Me and David looked around seeing nothing. But there right next to the bookshelf. There was something off.

"Geisli af Matahari!" I chanted sending a ray of light at the Bookshelf.

Then you could see a figure wrapped in a cloak that seemed to fit in with any environment. The Figure knowing they were caught pulled back the cloak revealing a female young Half-Elf.

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