Message 9: Alishel 19/8/4876

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Message 9: Alishel 19/8/4876

To Station S67Q8X34V.

This is the response to the events of 18/8/4876 and Former Ranger Loharo. We are currently preparing for a confrontation against the Draven Order.

Feather of the Raven:

Somehow we convinced Former Ranger Loharo to join us on the Iris Arcadia.

My analysis of her mental state: She feels alone and is forced to push others away, she does not fear death, rather people not caring about it. Likely will result in an uncharismatic figure. Who will try to be alone and will cause many conflicts to achieve that.

As I revised my analysis I could see why she would be like that. From what I know about the Draven Order they force separation and isolation. Anyone they trust out of the Draven Order is killed.

What I gather from the Draven Order they are run by 'The god whose name is never spoken'. To shorten this in my Data files I titled them G-Draven. The god has domain over Ravens, Secrecy, and possibly Archery.

Their archery skills are legendary, I calculate they can draw, string, and fire an arrow in under two seconds. Due to I being a Processing Unit my fastest reaction time is <Calculation Time 1 Second, Execution Time 4 Seconds>.

This would not be a good confrontation. I calculate the other members of the Iris Arcadia have a range from a 0.348 reaction time advantage to a 2 second disadvantage compared to me.

Calculated confrontation results between the Iris Arcadia crew and Ex-Ranger Loharo against three Draven Rangers.




Results: David: Dead. Keli: Crippled. Elriss: Unconscious and losing Blood. Me: Major Damage. Ranger Loharo: Dead.

"Alishel, you've been looking at us weirdly for a solid five minutes. What are you doing?" Elriss asked.

I looked over to the others on the Deck below the control panel. Ranger Loharo was staying still in their non-invisible cloak. Far away from the others.

"I've calculated the result of a Confrontation between all of us present and three Draven Rangers."

"The hell you have, you motherfuckers don't stand a chance." Loharo muttered.

Keli sighed, "Doeth we want'eth to know?"

I looked at her, "It isn't a desirable outcome."

"Any other options?" David asked.

"I could just let it happen." Ranger Loharo. "Experience the Quitting Fire. It'll be fine. You all won't have to get punished too."

I looked at her, "Where I come from there is a Famous Philosopher that has influenced ideologies. One of his quotes is, 'a sacrifice is not a sacrifice if it causes no change'. Your supposed sacrifice will have no meaning which is against another of their quotes, 'To live is to have something to die for'. You apparently have nothing to live for so you have nothing to die for."

Ranger Loharo looked up with a face that indicated that my words touched her in a hurtful way.

"I apologize if I have caused emotion-" I started.

"It's fine..." Ranger Loharo sighed, "Well fuck it if we're going against the order." She pulled her hood back, "My name is Ralida Loharo."

She is putting trust in us. I nodded.

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