Message 7: Keli 13/8/4876

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Message 7: Keli 13/8/4876

Thou family.

David, Elriss, me and Alishel are now working together to accomplish missions. For coin and for parts to upgrade the Iris Arcadia. Well... Elriss isn't here. They went off to see their friends at their Home.

The Weaver of Stone:

As we returned to Evergreen Crest from dropping Elriss off at Hovelle woods I took his place in guiding the ship. David and I hopped off as Alishel began working on the Iris Arcadia again.

Then we headed to our quest board in the middle of Town and looked at the quests. There was only one new addition to the board.

Kill the Weaver of Stone.

Then there were directions to an abandoned mine in the nearby Mountains. You will receive an original payment before entering their lair. Once you kill the Weaver of Stone, their treasure belongs to you.

I looked at David, "Thou daint trust this ambiguous note, do thy?"

"...Depends if we see the payment at the Mine." David responded while taking the note and observing it.

Keli nodded, "Well let's head back'eth to the inn and talk thy Alishel in morning."

Next morning we approached the Iris Arcadia. We didn't see Alishel in his usual spot.

"Odd..." David said. Then he tried climbing aboard.

I chuckled, uncurled my wings and grabbed him, flying him onto the deck. "So thou see you need'eth wings to climb aboard."

David grumbled. "I'm just a simple Human. Not an Iliar-Harpy."

We climbed aboard and started searching for Alishel. Eventually we came up to the deck without seeing anything.

"Nothing... that's odd." David mused.

"Shall we continue'eth forth with our search?" I asked.

"I guess... wait, you're a Divine Representative." David asked.

I flinched. David, Alishel, and Elriss knew that. But it was still supposed to be secret.

"Sorry... but if you're a Divine Represntative couldn't you just use some finding spell to search for Alishel?" David asked.

"How dare'eth thou assume such extravagant thoughts! Oh wait, yeah I can do that." I started performing the spell. Searching the ship.

Then I saw a great secret hidden within the walls. A hidden compartment with complex machinery and a great power source. I also saw an Outline of Alishel.

"Follow'eth." I ordered starting down below the deck.

Through the massive rooms and hallways I came to the spot where it should be.

"It should'eth be on the other side of this wall," I stated.

David started knocking on the wall. "How do we get in?"

I started tapping on the wall too. No way in.

"Wait, what's this?" David started tapping a rectangular metal piece implemented into the wall.

As he tapped the metal piece a smaller rectangle within the metal piece lit up and at the top were twenty lines and at the bottom were the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 0. All in circles.

"How did'eth we not notice this before?" I looked at this.

David shrugged and I tapped the lines. Nothing happened. Then I tapped the 4. A '4' appeared on the first line. Curious I started to continue tapping the 4 then at the end tapped a 3.

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