Message 3: David 4/8/4876

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Hey family.

So uh, I sent another message before this one but I think the messenger was delayed by two Orc tribes dueling on the path. Anyhoo it might've reached you. I'm not sure. If it didn't I'll sum it up here.

Basically the killer of Lady Terrage was a Celestial Horror (Rydel, they're Monsters of the Cosmos that challenge Gods) who was disguised as an Elf. They killed Lady Terrage with a Arrow of Death transferred into a Cosmic Plane of Existence.

Another Elf fought back. And during the battle me and Elriss fled. We both lost most of our coin in the battle. Now we're past the foothills of the Mountains of Rain and we do anything we can do for coin.

But I'll get on with what happened today.

The Killers in White:

Elriss asked some Tree Nymphs for help for a temporary shelter. They did so. Then me and Elriss got a fire going.

We sat down eating.

A question came into my mind, "Hey, Elriss."

After a few moments Elriss said, "Yeah."

"What's it like being an Adventurer as long as you've been, having no home?" I asked.

Elriss shifted a little, "Well eventually you get used to it. But for me Hovelle Woods is always a place to return to. I have many friends there, family there, and my lover... Heh. I know a few Adventurers have no place to return to. You do. Feel lucky about that."

I nodded. We sat there. The Flames flickering. I then stated, "I can take first watch."

Elriss smiled, "No need, I just need to cast this spell. Hattur Gema."

Then a wave of nature magic was sent out.

I looked around in bewilderment.

Elriss gave a small laugh. "Oh don't worry, that spell just means that if danger is in half a Kilometer radius I'll know.

I smiled. Got my bedroll ready and drifted off. But for the first time since I left home. I wasn't as uncertain of what tomorrow would bring.

* * *

Elriss was shaking me awake. Drearily I asked, "Wha-what is it?"

Elriss simply said, "Danger."

I quickly got up and readied my Longsword. We went outside the tent. And back to back went outside.

"Do you see anything?" I asked.

"No... how about you?"

"Nothing new, are you sure you sensed dan-"

"Ssh... look over there." Elriss pointed.

I did and saw in the forest three figures in white robes.

The first one spoke, "You intruded upon the conquest of Yaradon. For that you shall be silenced in Yaradon's name."

"So you're going to kill us?" I asked, feeling a weird sense of bravery.

"We are going to silence you."

"Yeah, that's just a toned down way of saying kill you." I countered. "But I don't think we'll be the ones to lose our fucking voices."

Elriss looked at me with fascination but focused on the White Robes.

The White robes drew out shining weapons.

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