Diary Entry 13: Ralida 1/9/4876

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Today is the First of Forru

We had to wait two days to let the Thieves calm down. Nelson Quarro, I saw, had joined up with two other thieves carrying away several valuables.

Trace of a Blade

Today I would track them. But right now I'm reading the newspaper.

Death of Lady Terrage, Delcore now in ruin.

I snorted. Knowing I was there. In smaller text was. What does this mean? Well, experts say the Four Major Paths that cross near it will now have less merchants and travelers, leading to a huge impact on the economy with trade now down by an estimated 38%.

David came to me, "So, uh, Ralida, are we going to, um, track the Thieves now? Me, Keli, and Elriss are all ready."

I looked up from my newspaper. Put it down, and stood up. My Invisibility cloak was already draped upon my back. My secretive knife in its sheath, my bow nearby, and my Quiver and arrows were on the table.

"Listen here, David. You do not tell me what to do. We will be tracking the Thieves. Now get your sorry asses out the door and see if you can keep up."

I picked up my bow and left the Iris Arcadia. The others followed me. I finally reached the edge of town where I last saw Nelson and the Thieves.

My observant eyes quickly noticed snapped branches in a bush. Too wide for a deer, too thin for a bear.

I then noticed a few leaves crunched in pattern only on a boot. I began following these clues and determining their most likely direction. I barely got it wrong. Though the others had trouble keeping up.

Eventually at midday David called for a break. I unwillingly obliged. I sat down near a tree and let my cloak become invisible around hme as Elriss grew some food and passed it around.

When he came to me he held out his hand with the fruit in it to me. After a groan. As fast as lightning I shot my hand out from behind my cloak grabbed the fruit and pulled it back in.

Elriss after flinching a little chuckled. He said, "You missed some." Still having a bit more fruit in his hand.

Again I shot at my hand, grabbed the fruit, and drew it back.

Elriss gave a small chuckle again along with David.

Elriss sat down as we began eating our food and started nibbling at his own food.

We sat there in silence. I was consuming my fruit. We sat there in total silence.

Keli then asked, "What's our plan'eth when thou find'eth thieves."

"We should observe them and figure it out from there." David suggested.

"Who made you leader?" I asked.

"...Uh, it was just a suggestion? I mean it's the logical choice." David responded.

I stayed quiet.

We continued on our way tracking down the Thieves. I lead them through meadows, mostly forests and a small creek. It took about another hour and a half to finally reach the Camp.

When we got there, I was in my Cloak. But saw the Guards at the front entrance. I quickly made haste back.

Elriss was about to come out of the Trees and be spotted by the Guards.

Before that could happen I slapped him across the face sending him back before he was revealed.

Elriss was about to say something. I could see it on his face, that would alert the Guards. The best way I could stop him was my Intimidating stare.

As soon as he saw it he shut up. I pointed across the trees towards the camp's general direction and whispered, "Guards."

Elriss' understanding nodded and as Keli and David were approaching Elriss gestured to stop.

Keli and David looked confused, then I whispered fiercely, "Guards, Idiots. We're here."

We started finding spots to observe the camp. It was massive. I was in the best position, invisible atop a high tree balanced on a thick branch.

I estimate about 80 people in the camp. As powerful and well trained as I was. I couldn't take on 80 people by myself.

In a dark corner of my mind, one of my most dreaded voices told me, a real Draven Ranger could.

Shut the fuck up, I'm not... a Draven Ranger anymore. Considered dead by the Draven Order. I told the voice.

Then I saw in the middle of the camp. Nelson Quarro. Bowing before a Gnome. The Gnome was skinny, had no weapons at hand, and was very old. She would seem to be a very easy person to kill. But the way everyone in the camp seemed to recognise her authority. When given orders. They wouldn't talk back, or complain, just get right to it.

Perhaps the Gnome was powerful in the Arcane. No... there was nothing that would guide magic on her. Then what was it that gained her the Authority she had?

I didn't know. But I should find out. I also saw a cage, in that cage was a male Dwarf, clearly a Wizard.

I quickly climbed down the Tree, and told the others what I found.

Keli whistled, "I'm going'est to need'eth more Metal Spatulas."

"We need more information. I'm going to head inside the camp." I started to head towards the Thieves camp.

David grabbed my hand, "Are you... sure?"

I brushed it off, "If I weren't I wouldn't be going."

I quickly turned invisible and silently slipped into the camp weaving through the crowd. Never brushing skin, never leaving a trace.

Everything I was ever taught about stealth in the Draven Order was pounding in her skull. I finally made it to the area where Nelson Quarro and the Gnome were.

I found a discreet spot and listened in.

"We have continued to steal from the town. As you've ordered, Murn."

The Gnome's name was Murn. I faintly recognised that name.

Murn grunted in approval. Eyeing Nelson. Then said, "Nelson, you want to know why we are stealing from the Town don't you?"

"You always know Murn." Nelson looked at Murn expectantly. "But this is your Thieves Guild."

Murn chuckled, "By now it's more of a Mercenaries Guild. Though you are right this is my Thieves Guild. Well to answer your question, when we steal from them repeatedly, they get agitated, eventually so agitated that they will send forces after us. That is when we strike. Finally ridding that town of their Guard, and completing the contract. Though I will need Gall to do a little arcane trickery, but I am certain we will be able to finish them."

Murn turned her head towards my direction, my heart raced. She eyed me like she could see me.

"Oh, you really thought Invisibility could hide you from me. Invisibility hides the physical form, not the magical elements. When you return to that town, tell them to battle me here in three days, not one day more nor one day less, or all your heads will be thrown down the River."

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