Message 5: Alishel 9/8/4876

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Message 5: Alishel 9/8/4876

To Station S67Q8X34V

Though I know it is unlikely my signal will reach you, here is an update from me.

It has been 8 months since I fell from the Station thrown down by a group of Terrorists. I crashed in the land which is called 'Valeye' by the locals. On the map of Valeye my coordinates are SN!@(*<.;Kr in a town called Evergreen Crest. The Town is located in the Mountains of Rain.

I was the center of attention for a few months but now the locals seem used to me. Currently I am building a Ship to fly back up. Unfortunately the base of it is a discarded Large Boat that got here during a Divine Hurricane a few thousand years ago. But I am managing. But something changed today.

I am also giving it a title. I am unaware why.

Crash Crew:

As I finished welding some pieces together, I realized I was out of material. So naturally I went to get more from the Discarded Metal patch.

I walked down the staircase and got where the local folk discarded their no longer needed materials. I dug through it and found no more useful material.

"No. No. No. There has to be more." I started a scan for materials. Scan Complete: No needed materials Detected. "N0!"

I calmed down, got up and did what any reasonable Robot would do when there is no clear solution. Go to the bar.

I walked back up the stairs and took a seat in the bar. Asking if I could get any Oil.

They gave me this weird magic Oil. It worked though. The people gave me strange looks when I started oiling my joints. But it was fine.

Eventually I heard some rumors about a group of travelers coming into town.

They came into this bar and since there were no other seats they sat down next to me.

There was a Human, a Wild Spirit, and an Iliar-Harpy.

I ran a scan on their emotions. Scan complete: General Weariness and exhaustion.

"So... uh hi... whoever you are." The human said hesitantly.

"I am AL15-SHL88907-IP6324. But you can just call me Alishel. Greetings whomever you are." I responded.

"Hello to you Alishel, I'm Elriss, my friend over there is David, and that's Keli." The Wild Spirit drank. "Well, you're one of those people from places beyond right? What was it, oh yes you're a Robot."

"That is correct. I came from a Society in the stars and fell back down to the world due to a few Terrorists." I informed them.

The group looked around uncomfortably.

"Well we've heard stories of you from the Locals. Working on some big project out in the fields." David shifted awkwardly.

My camera's narrowed. "Yes. If you plan to raid that project, be warned I have defense systems armed and ready."

"Oh thou needn't worry thyself. We have'eth no plans to raid thou's project." Keli stated.

"Good to know." I replied.

"So uh... what is your project?" David asked.

"I am attempting to create a Vessel that can fly me back to my home. Unfortunately I have run out of usable materials around Evergreen Crest to continue the project." I told them. "So until I can find another source the project will fall silent as only a flying ship."

"Wait, it works, can you fly it?" Elriss put down their mug.

"It can fly. But not that far and it isn't advanced enough for only one person to fly it." I answered.

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