Message 14: Alishel 2/9/4876

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To Station S67Q8X34V.

This is the series of events that transpired during 2/9/4876 Valeyean Calendar.


I was working on the Iris Arcadia trying to repair it to the best of my ability. Then the rest of the Crew returned.

I turned my attention to them. Noticing signs of frustration from Ralida, and worry from the others.

"May I know what happened?" I asked.

"NO!" Yelled Ralida and quickly ran to the Mattress room.

"You know we all share that room, right?" David yelled after her.

Ralida didn't make a noise yet somehow we could hear the screaming from her.

I looked towards Elriss questioningly.

Elriss sighed, and explained the whole situation to Alishel.

I took this input and calculated possible solutions. I looked towards the Mattress room. "I suppose Ralida is mad that Murn could see through her invisibility cloak."

David shrugged, "Don't ask me, I'm no psychologist, and plus she's like a snapping turtle, hides in her shell and bites at anything that comes near her."

David got an invisible punch from Ralida, within 5.7 seconds. I assume she went invisible and stayed around us.

I turned on my heat vision and saw Ralida backing away actually to the mattress room.

David was sighing.

Keli whispered, "How do thou put'est up with it."

David whispered back, "She's still adjusting. We just... have to be patient."

The night was thick around us, crickets chirping, owl cooing.

David rubbing the bruise said, "Let's head to bed."

We all made our way to the Mattress room. Ralida was already on her Mattress, farthest from the others looking fast asleep. Probably fake.

They began to do some routines before bed. David opened a window. Opened a small pouch, pulled out a piece of rough linen, applied some substance to it and started cleaning his teeth. When done he spat it out the Window. Finding his container of water, dampening the fabric and cleaning it.

Keli had left the room and came back in a Nightgown putting her day clothes in a bag. She pulled out a piece of linen too, opened the window, applied the substance to it, cleaned, and spat.

Elriss had simply waved his hands and his clothes, reweaving themselves into night garments. Elriss, seeing Alishel staring at the clothes, said, "My clothes are completely organic."

David had left the room and returned in Night Garments. As Elriss laid himself on a mattress with a pillow.

Keli searching through her bag asked David, "Hey could'eth thou clean thist."

David nodded, taking Keli's teeth-cleaning fabric into water, carefully around the edges.

When David handed it back to Keli, who thanked him, both went to bed. David muttered, "Damn it's cold."

As Alishel was about to leave the room, Elriss got up and asked, "Hey, Alishel, could you not work on the Iris Arcadia tonight? It's a bit loud."

"Certainly." I responded.

I came to the deck, then went to the dashboard and set the engine to heat up the mattress room by 6 degrees celsius.

Then I went over to the railing and leaned over. The night seemed to swirl around me. In a peaceful way.

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