Diary Entry 15: David 3/4/4876

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I've always considered starting a Diary. Funny how I start while I'm in a cage. The Battle against Murn's Thieves. Didn't go so well... Somehow no one was killed in the battle. So I'm titling this... (I finished the entry later)

Aftermath of a Deathless Battle.

Well now it doesn't really matter, while I'm writing this they seem to be drugging the Guards... I wonder if we're next. Me, Elriss, and Keli, were thrown into this cage. We still have all our stuff, but our attempt to break out of this cage was... well I'll just write it out:

Using a sort of bent stick I tried to lockpick the lock. As my hand passed through an opening in the bars trying to put the stick in the lock.

Then suddenly the bars closed in around my arm and released in one quick motion.

"Ow!" I yelped. Trying to free my arm. The bars closed and opened again quicker and continued until I was completely back in the cage.

"You okay?" Asked Elriss.

"I'm fine."

The Dwarf at the back of our cage, who was here before we were captured said bleakly, "Not gonna work, the cage is lined with a spell that makes it adapt to every attempt to break out. That's why we still have all our stuff. Only an Idiot would try to break out."

Keli without missing a beat quipped, "Which is exactly why we shalt have David do it."

"Wha—" Took a minute for me to process. "Hey!"

Elriss gave a small chuckle, and Keli a grin. Even the Dwarf gave a slight snicker.

Elriss then looked curiously towards the Dwarf. "Who are you?"

The Dwarf stood slowly, giving details to him, the Dwarf was clearly Male. The Dwarf would appear to be old, but was probably still in their mid-thirties. The way the Dwarf dressed made them seem like someone versed in Magic and powerful at that, or just a hippie.

"I'm Niroko Ironvenge." Niroko introduced himself.

We introduced ourselves too.

Then I had a question on my mind, "Niroko, did you see a female Half-Elf in a dark cloak, a bow, and if you looked carefully the worst eye-bags you had ever seen."

Niroko paused for a moment, "No... not that I can recall."

Elriss sighed, "I don't see her in any of the other cages, she must've gone invisible before we were all captured."

Keli then scrunched her eyes, "Hath thou thought about her abandoning us?"

I frowned thinking about it, "She might've... probably did."

Elriss sighed, "Fuck it."

Knowing Ralida... there was no telling what she would do. But she wouldn't face a group of eighty Thieves, a Demigod, and the most genius Tactician she likely had ever met. Nor sneak her way into the camp to free us.

Alishel wasn't much of a fighter, and they would be back at the Iris Arcadia.

I felt a little... betrayed. But that was to be expected from Ralida really. I probably would do the same. I couldn't really be mad.

Eventually Elriss, Keli, Me, and Niroko, began telling each other about themselves. We told Niroko about traveling together. He told us he was a Wizard. He also told us that he was captured trying to steal the Ne'aro relic from the thieves.

I focused on the camp, trying to figure out what the Thieves were drugging the guards with. I couldn't discern it.

Eventually another old Gnome, this one seemed male. Clearly due to his clothing he was also a Wizard, or just another hippie.

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