Diary Entry 11: Elriss 24/8/4876

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A lot has happened now that I think about it. 28 days ago Lady Terrage died. 19 days ago we met and rescued Keli from the Cultists of Yaradon. 15 days ago we met Alishel and started the Iris Arcadia. 11 days ago the crew met the Weaver of Stone. 5 days ago we faced the Draven order. Now this. Whoo. I might want another break. But this is what happened after the Outpost exploded.

Plotting Consequences:

"Now Commander Nagofa, that you have had time to inform others in charge of what happened, we would like our payment." Alishel elaborated.

Commander Nagofa slammed her hand on the table. "NO! We are not paying, we have already lost an entire battalion in that battle, we have enough prices to pay."

"You promised us the payment of 10,000 coins for defeating the armies at the Outpost." Alishel informed her.

"We ain't paying." Commander Nagofa said with the tone that is final in her voice.

"Can you at least pay for the repairs of the Iris Arcadia?" I asked.

"No," Commander Nagofa gestured to her door, "Now get out of my office."

* * *

When we returned to the Iris Arcadia, David told Alishel to calculate how much it would cost for repairs, and then we would decide what to do from then.

Keli, Me, David, and Ralida sat down in a room. It was barren. But the only one with mattresses.

It was an awkward silence.

"So... maybe we could go around and say a bit about ourselves. We do seem to be working together here." David suggested.

No one seemed to object.

"Right, er...uh, I grew up on an abandoned outpost that my family reclaimed as theirs three generations ago during a war between two city-states." David then gestured to Keli.

"Oh... uh, I got'eth my whacking spatula... actually, where did'eth I get that spatula, oh right'eth. I was playing around'eth with my family's chef's child'eth and then found'eth it." Keli proudly held up their metal spatula.

"You don't remember the kids name?" I asked.

"Er... no, she never told'eth me, and I wasn't supposed'eth to play with kids as low class as her." Keli replied. Then she gestured to me.

"Oh, me! Well I am the most powerful Druid from my Woods, though there are only three of them including me." I nodded to Ralida. Then I realized the consequences of my mistake.

She looked at me sternly. Unwavering. Silent and Still. Then she wrapped herself in her cloak and turned invisible.

"Ralida!" David yelled after her.

"What?" Ralida's cloak went visible, "My fucking fun fact about me is, I don't trust any of you motherfuckers!"

"We saved your ass from the Draven Order, is that not enough?!" David yelled back at her.

Ralida went invisible again, and you could hear fast footsteps leaving the room.

David sighed, rubbing his nose.

"Well that'eth was fun." Keli remarked.

This time I sighed, "She's still on the ship, just in the room farthest from this one." Detecting her through the wood.

We continued playing some games until Alishel returned about an hour later.

"Where is Ralida?" Asked Alishel looking around.

"She got upset and is in another room." I told Alishel.

Alishel nodded, "I have calculated that repairs cost will range from 6,000 to 10,000 Coin."

Everyone groaned.

"If we had just gotten the money from Nagofa!" David muttered. "I promised my family I'd go to the Togun festival.

"So the Iris Arcadia is stuck'eth here, while our fortune'eth is all the way back'eth at Evergreen Crest." Keli sighed.

"Our fortune? Keli, you come from a Noble family! You don't need a fortune." David exclaimed.

Keli looked at him blankly, "Out'eth here, I'll need'eth a fortune. My family'eth won't be able to send'eth money."

David sighed again, "Sorry..."

Keli sighed.

"I guess we'll do some mercenary missions to get the money needed." I mused.

"You could always... leave if you want to." Alishel told them. "The Iris Arcadia is my project to head home. You just came along to help out. You don't need to continue."

Keli, me, and David looked at each other.

"Nah... it's a good source of money." David explained.

"How do'eth we do this?" Keli asked.

"Me, You, Elriss, and Ralida should go on mercenary missions while Alishel will work on the Iris Arcadia." David explained his plan. No one really objected, "Speaking of which, where is Ralida?"

Ralida's cloak went visible behind David then she said, "Boo,"

David jumped up and around seeing Ralida yelled, "Gods Ralida, don't give me a heart attack."

Ralida continued to look stern.

I sighed, "Well, let's find a job."

I don't know what the future will be like, and I'm scared of what's going to happen. But I guess I'll just have to trust the crew of the Iris Arcadia.

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