Message 4: Keli 5/8/4876

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You needn't not to worry thouself about me furthermore. For I have'eth been rescued! But thus we get to the more unpleasant parteth of my message. Oh! I shall tell you through'eth story and for thou fun I shall name it.

Angelic Oath:

"Oh thou dearest god Zephyra, ruler of the Skies and your'eth children Aetherion of Weather, Aeliosia of Sun, Aselenea of Moon, and Astraea of Stars, heareth my prayers, and bless'eth me to live and escape this wretched place."

"OI! Shut the fuck up in there, Harpy!" Yelled one of the Cultists of Yaradon.

"I'm an Iliar-Harpy not'eth a Harpy. Get thou's facts straight." I yelled back.

"Oooooo and I'm pretty sure Aselenea is the goddess of the Sun." Stated the Cultist.

"How dare'eth you mock the gods!" I exclaimed. I reached out into my Divine strength to punish this fool. But those cursed Cultists sent a beam of blinding light at my eyes making me stumble back.

"Now, now, Tikeli. I hope you aren't bothering my poor Guards." Said a low, thick voice across the Hallway.

"Ah the Prime Conductor, what do I owe the pleasure'eth. But thou know'st my name, it's Keli." I proudly declared.

"Tikeli Angelbourne. Niece of Pakulta Angelbourne, the first Noble Harpy in this region of Valeye. You'll make a nice ransom money." The Prime Conductor said.

"Thy Angelbournes won't pay'eth, I'm not an heir to thy's wealth. Thus I am not useful to thou Prime Conductor." I negotiated.

"No Tikeli you're not an heir to their wealth. But you are a valuable asset to them." The Prime Conductor continued.

"I have'eth no idea what thou art talking about."

"You see, you're gifted in another way."

"Whatever information thy hath of me is false, I tell thou, false!"

"You're blessed by the Divine, Tikeli Angelbourne. You were chosen by Zephyra and her children to represent them."

My eyes widened. How did they know? That was a highly classified secret of us Angelbournes. No one was supposed to know till I turned twenty-six. Which was coming up in Six months.

"That silence tells me I'm correct. Heh. Yaradon will be pleased." The Prime Conductor concluded.

I heard heavy footsteps begin.

I sighed and went to the edge of my cell. You could hear rodents running through the walls. It was very bright here. But that was to be expected of Cultists of the God of Light and Song.

I touched my wings. They were still folded in their resting position. Oh how much I wanted to soar the skies of Zephyra. To be free from all my chains and live. More than I would ever know. I want to go back home.

Eventually I fell asleep.

* * *

I heard rustling and woke up. Ready for anything.

Then I saw several Cultists knocked out on the floor. I got up and then saw a Human and a Wild Spirit approach turn the corner.

"Ah, there you are, the one we were sent to free." said the Wild Spirit. Taking a key-chain and going through them seeing which one would open the door.

"Who art thou?" I asked.

"I'm David," The Human replied, "and that's Elriss, we were sent by your tribe to rescue you. Was it Tikeli?"

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