Message 10: David 23/8/4876

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Hey family!

I uh... got your message. I um... will be there for the Togun Festival. So um... here's what I did today. Oh and, I forgot to mention last letter, Ralida is now working with us for the Iris Arcadia.

Outpost of an Ancient Hope:

Alishel was working on the ship. Ralida was helping me, Elriss, and Keli were handling the Questboard today.

Slow business as usual. Keli was asleep. Elriss was chatting with the birds. And I was on the verge of sleep.

Suddenly I saw several Soldier-like people approaching. They were in a clean and neat uniform.

"Keli, Elriss." I murmured.

Elriss immediately sat up in attention. Keli... just kept snoring moving slightly.

The Soldiers continued approaching and their outfit was a dark purple.

Then they came up to us.

"How can we help you?" I asked. Two of the Soldiers were looking at Keli still asleep.

"Are you the group known as the Iris Arcadia that rides in a flying ship?" Asked the one seemingly in charge of the group.

"Correction, the ship is called the Iris Arcadia, we're its crew." I confirmed.

"Quite the shitty crew." Commented one of the Soldier looking at Kelu

Keli immediately got up, pulled out their spatula and whacked the Soldier's hand. Then she went back to sleep. Or pretending to be asleep.

The Soldiers continued giving weird looks but decided to leave it be.

The supposed leader said, "I am Commander Nagofa. We come from Heowin City-State. We have a problem. We think you would be well suited for." They put 100 Coin on the table.

"Well what problem would a Commander need help from some adventurers?" asked Elriss.

"300 years ago during the Dus City-State, the one before the current Heowin City-State, in the War that changed the Patron god. We used an Outpost a little beyond the foot of the Mountains of Rain. Its positioning was perfect and was key to winning the war. The Outpost was named Point Hope. Now another group of people are now inhabiting the Outpost, killing nearby citizens and stealing their wealth." Commander Nagofa explained. "We can't fight back because of how well it's placed, we need an advantage from the sky. Which is where you come in."

Me and Elriss looked at each other and Keli then sat straight and started walking towards the Iris Arcadia. Everyone followed her.

They came to the Iris Arcadia.

"Hey Alishel! We have a mission!" Elriss yelled up.

They came onboard. Ralida was waiting for them.

"What is it this time?" Ralida asked.

"I'll explain when everyone is ready for this." Commander Nagofa stated. Then she looked at Ralida, "I've heard there was a Druid, Divine Representative, Fighter, and a Robot here, but I've never heard a Ranger on the crew."

Keli yelled, "Fuck! How did'eth thy heareth that I was a Divine Representative!"

Commander Nagofa shrugged, "All I heard were rumors."

Keli sighed, "My family's going'eth to killeth me."

Eventually they came to a planning room where Commander Nagofa explained it again for Ralida and Alishel.

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